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那是空心菜。Those are swamp cabbages.

那条沟排出沼泽中的水。The fort flanks on a swamp.

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堡垒侧面靠着沼泽。The fort flanked on a swamp.

沼泽中的水很臭。The water in the swamp is foul.

破旧沼地道路的树丛间Between the trees on the old swamp road

那条沟排出沼泽中的水。That ditch drains water from the swamp.

士兵们陷在沼泽中。The soldiers became bogged in the swamp.

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在这门课上,你们会读很多我的作品。Here you are gonna be swamp by writings by me.

他们在一块沼泽地前暂停了行军。They suspended their march in front of a swamp.

这片沼泽地带在冬季一踏就陷下去。The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter.

他们排干沼泽地的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。They drain the swamp and turn it into fertile land.

园内高燥的山地、有低洼的泽圹。Gaozao mountain park, with low-lying swamp bearings.

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我被骗在弗里达买了块沼泽地。I got snookered into buying a swamp land in Florida.

我不想活在沼泽中慢慢沉溺慢慢死去。I. I don't want to live in the swamp slowly dies slowly.

如果大脑是混沌的,每一次雪崩都能使大脑变成沼泽。If it was chaotic, each avalanche could swamp the brain.

肯尼亚马塞马拉,狮子袭击河马。Lions attack a buffalo in a swamp at the Masai Mara, Kenya

水沼泽植物群落的优势度指数大于丘状沼泽。Simpson index of aquatic swamp is higher than mound swamp.

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中西部地区的沼泽地区刚从强烈的暴风雨中恢复过来。A swamp of the Midwest is recovering from drenching storms.

这里一只婴儿水豚用鼻爱抚它的妈妈在巴西的沼泽地。Here, a baby capybara nuzzles its mother in a Brazilian swamp.

也有一小部分水之部落居住在沼泽地区。There are also smaller water tribe found in the Swamp regions.