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好走的路总已被布上地雷。The cozy way is always mined.

是那有衬里的舒适棉被吗?The cozy bedsheet with lining?

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冷冻蔬菜,疗伤好帮手。Get cozy with frozen vegetables.

柔软舒适针织棉帽衫。Soft and cozy knit cotton hoodie.

茉莉给让佳做了一个小床。Jasmine made Rajaha cozy little bed.

放眼望去,都是舒适的房间。Cozy rooms look out over the district.

它以柔软的触感带给你惬意的感觉。It brings you cozy feeling with soft tactile.

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今天好不容易偷偷溜出来了。Is quite not cozy to secretly slip away out today.

梅根喜欢在她房间里一个舒适的角落学习。Meghan likes to study in a cozy corner of her room.

曼蒂的祖父母住在一间舒适的旧石屋中。Mandy's grandparents live in a cozy old stone cottage.

再也没有什么能比一件舒服的针织衫更能抵御寒冬了。Nothing feels better in cold weather than a cozy knit.

它烟缠雾绕,春意融融篱笆处。Smoke fog wrapped around it, spring cozy office fence.

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我们住在六英亩大的舒适的农场大屋。We all lived in a cozy ranch-style house on six acres.

反正满脑子都是我们在淋水的样子,很开心,也很温馨。Anyway, all we get the water looks very happy and cozy.

惬意舒适是本田的设计目标,CRV有极好的前座空间并且拥有驾驶员扶手,而且还配置电动座椅和类似于豪华车的仪表盘。Cozy and comfortable was the target for Honda designers.

意面和肉丸是休闲的象征。There is something so cozy about spaghetti and meatballs.

赞美诗在温暖的客厅响起,引领我们的是那丁宁的琴声。And hymns in the cozy parlor, the tinkling piano our guide.

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尽一切所能,为自己营造一个安静和舒适的环境。Do everything you can to create a quiet and cozy atmosphere.

他将会在舒服的巢里再待上几个月呢。He’ll be staying put in his cozy nest for a few more months.

通过口袋形状的改变,尼古丁就能很合适地在里面起作用。"The box reshapes so nicotine can cozy up, " Dougherty says.