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此外,本章还研究了它们的光谱性质。Their spectral properties were also studied.

方法采用中药紫外谱线组法进行鉴别。METHODS A group of ultraviolet spectral was used.

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暗视觉的光谱光效曲线。Spectral luminous efficiency curve for scotopic vision.

发现的光谱童话引人入胜的黑暗的一面。Discover the spectral spellbinding dark side of fairy tales.

光谱分析仪的定量分析有许多种方法。There are many methods in its quantitative spectral analyses.

细胞色素可通过其光谱特性检测。Cytochromes can be detected by their spectral characteristics.

我们正在着眼于其他行星和它们的光谱特征。We are looking at other planets and their spectral signatures.

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整个石窟一片黑暗,只有灵魂树的枝条发出如梦如幻的光芒。The grotto is dark except for the spectral GLOW of the willows.

对合成的配合物进行了元素及光谱分析。The product was identi-fied by elemental and spectral analyses.

湍流使轴上点光谱移动量减小。The turbulence results in a decrease of on-axis spectral shift.

硅靶摄像管的光谱特性延伸至红外区域。The Spectral response of a Si-vidicon extends to infrared region.

利用SPIDER装置测量了出射脉冲的脉宽和光谱相位。The pulse duration and the spectral phase are measured by SPIDER.

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其与小牛胸腺DNA结合后荧光光谱的变化明显。The fluorescent spectral changes obviously after intercalate to DNA.

该文介绍了一种改进的混合像元分解方法。This paper introduced an improved method of spectral unmixing of rem.

软件会侦测出每张图像在每个光谱波段下不同的变化。Software scouted for variations in the image under each spectral band.

应用光谱图像技术进行油桃内部品质无损检测技术的研究。The sugar content of nectarine was detected by using spectral imaging.

该模型可以高度精确地分离出波谱混迭的象元。This model can separate spectral mixed pixels with very high accuracy.

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光谱学是研究光线的光谱和光谱线的。Spectroscopy is basically study of spectra and spectral lines of light.

并实现了伴随场在全谱方法中的数值求解。The adjoint equations is successful solved by the fully spectral method.

组织的自体荧光可用于肿瘤的光谱诊断。Autofluorescence of tissues can be used for spectral diagnosis of tumors.