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他说,不同信仰之间的合作可以平衡极端主义。He says interfaith cooperation is a way to balance extremism.

即跨信仰青年核心组织,其网址是ifyc。The Interfaith Youth Core CORE org and the website is

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好的,跨信仰青年核心组织的核心原则,非常简单。Sure. The core principles of Interfaith Youth Core are very simple.

如果我们建设出一个新的现实,它包含跨信仰合作,将会怎么样?What if we build a new status quo that involves interfaith cooperation?

如果美国的每一所大学都像普林斯顿大学,所设的跨信仰委员会将会怎样?What if every campus in America had what Princeton has which is an Interfaith Council?

和其它大多数地方一样,在雪城,宗教间的相互理解也是在磕磕绊绊中前行。In Syracuse, like most other places, the road to interfaith understanding was full of bumps.

在庭审期间,来自不同信仰的妇女们在法庭上加入了这位医生的支持者的行列。At the trial, women from the interfaith group joined the doctor’s supporters in the courtroom.

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简要谈谈跨信仰青年核心的工作,及它的主要使命和目标吧。Talk a little bit about the work of Interfaith Youth Core and what its basic mission and goals are.

文章简要介绍和分析了阿部正雄对当代宗教对话理论问题的思考。This essay contains a brief introduction and analysis of Masao' Abe's theory on interfaith dialogue.

如果你正在收看节目或在4月26日收看节目,我们将会设立青年服务跨信仰日。If you're seeing this and this before April 26, we will be having an Interfaith Day of Youth Service.

他是跨信仰青年核心组织的创使人,及执行理事长,该组织总部设于伊利诺州芝加哥市。He is the founder and the executive director of the Interfaith Youth Core located in Chicago, Illinois.

社区组织也一直努力推动就业培训和生存所需的工作岗位。The community organization Valley Interfaith has pushed for training opportunities and living-wage jobs.

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我们的网站有一系列课程,我们有培训人员,知道大家如何参与跨信仰青年服务活动。And we have a set of curricular up there, we have training guys for how to run your interfaith youth service.

他们仍然尽量不鼓励异族婚姻,但一旦既成事实,他们便欢迎这些多崇奉的家庭。They still try to discourage intermarriage, but once it occurs, they tend to welcome new interfaith families.

与此同时,上百人期待参加于今晚举行的多宗教纪念会。And meantime hundreds of people are expected to attend an interfaith memorial service tonight for the victims.

所以,从这种震撼和激励中,您创立了目前美国最重要的,一个跨信仰组织。So out of kind of this empowerment you created what is now one of the most important interfaith groups in America.

布什总统和第一夫人还在纽约参加了一个多信仰宗教仪式,并看望了消防队员。While in New York, the president and first lady also attended an interfaith religious service and visited with firefighters.

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对很多美国人来说,宗教间关系的重要工作是在地方上展开的,如长岛的例子所示。For many Americans, the important work in interfaith relations takes place at the local level, as in the Long Island example.

这一课程的筹备非同凡响,我对北大以及北大在跨宗教信仰的对话中所发挥的作用表示感谢。The preparations for this course were remarkable and a great tribute to the university and to its role in interfaith dialogue.

再谈谈跨信仰青年核心组织,它的一些目标,以及它要实现这些目标所采用的方法吧。So, tell me again a little bit about Interfaith Youth Core and some of its goals and some of the ways it carries out those goals.