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烤花生可降低黄曲霉毒素,但不能完全消除。Roasting the peanuts reduces aflatoxin but does not eliminate it entirely.

“地沟油”中含有黄曲霉素、苯并芘,这两种毒素都是致癌物质。"Waste oil" contains toxins aflatoxin and benzopyrene, which are both carcinogens.

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黄曲霉毒素诱发多种疾病,对养殖业造成很大的危害。Aflatoxin can induce many kinds of diseases and do very great danger to the feeding.

黄曲霉菌可能产生有毒的代谢物,从而危害人类身体健康。Aflatoxin may produce poisonous metabolizing substances, and do harm to human's health.

中国每人平均每年总要吃四五百斤粮食,还要有种子、饲料和工业用粮。Grains containing detectable amounts of aflatoxin should therefore not be used for food or feed.

对此,傅亮指出,黄曲霉毒素M1一般的杀菌方式杀不死,它具有耐热性。In this regard, Fu-liang, aflatoxin M1 kill normal sterilization methods, it has a heat resistance.

但花生米很容易受潮变霉,产生致癌性很强的黄曲霉菌毒素。However, moisture can easily become moldy peanuts, resulting in highly carcinogenic toxin aflatoxin.

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黄曲霉毒素是致癌物质,并会导致鸟、松鼠及其他动物的肝脏受损。Aflatoxin is carcinogenic and causes liver damage in birds, squirrels, and no doubt other animals as well.

本文概述了黄曲霉毒素对动物性食品的污染,对人体健康的危害及其检测方法。Aflatoxin contamination in animal food, harm to human body and its examination were described in the paper.

本文介绍了黄曲霉素的危害及防除措施。The hazard of aflatoxin and prevention and detoxification of food and feed contaminated by aflatoxin are introduced.

尽管看起来色泽清亮,但它含有多种有毒物质,其中包括致癌的“黄曲霉素”。Although it looks clean and clear, it actually contains toxic substances, including "aflatoxin", which can cause cancer.

简单介绍了几种在黄曲霉素日常检测中经常应用的分析方法原理和优缺点,并进行了比较。The article introduces and compares the principle, advantages and disadvantages of and several aflatoxin analysis method.

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久置的粗粮易霉变,不但不能防癌,其中的黄曲霉素还有可能诱发肝癌。Coarse grain purchase of long-mildew will not be able to cancer prevention, one of Aflatoxin may also induce liver cancer.

因此要反应个人层次的黄麴毒素的暴露量及代谢的差异,有必要进行生物监测。It is necessary to conduct the biologic monitoring to assess aflatoxin exposure and its metabolism at the individual level.

在所有的粮食谷物中,花生和椰子是最容易受黄曲霉毒素污染的。Of all the crop commodities used in animal feed maize, groundnut and copra are the most susceptible to aflatoxin contamination.

能吸附除去动、植物油中的色素,黄曲霉素,3-4苯并芘致癌物质。By absorption it can remove the pigment, aflatoxin B, 3-4 benzopyrene the cancer-causing substances in the animals and vegetable oil.

黄麴黴侵染花生的研究表明,种皮破损的黄麴黴毒素含量显著高于种皮完整的,种皮对黄麴黴侵染和产毒起著重要的屏障作用。The effects of wax and cuticle of peanut seed coat on reducing the infection and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus were studied.

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花生工业界认为收获前花生黄曲霉毒素的污染是全世界花生工业界面临的最严峻的挑战。Preharvest aflatoxin contamination has been identified by the peanut industry as the most serious challenge facing the industry worldwide.

分析了对花生凝集素的研究,特别是控制黄曲霉毒素以实现花生的贮藏与加工的安全。The study on peanut agglutinin was analyzed also, especially the control on aflatoxin to realize the security of preservation and processed.

尼泊金酯是低毒中性防腐剂,已被广泛用于食品、饮料、化妆品、医药等领域,对近年来尼泊金酯的合成方法进行了评述。Nipagin Ester is a new anti-mildew and antiseptic agent with the best inhibiting effect on aflatoxin in food , drink, cosmetics and medicine.