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“将军”发现他被锁在车里了。Krantz finds he's locked into the car.

林肯打电话给“将军”询问DMB的意义。Lincoln calls and tells Krantz to ask about DMB.

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“将军”被铐在栏杆上,留在了房间里。Krantz is cuffed to the banister and left behind.

“将军”说,现在是时候实现他的一个承诺了。Krantz says it's time to keep one of his promises.

“将军”派西奥多去那个地址查探,结果西奥多找到并绑架了莎拉。Krantz sends him there, and T-Bag finds and abducts Sara.

在死刑房,“将军”被准备执行电刑。On death row, General Krantz is led to the electric chair.

“将军”给他一个小时限期,时间过后他就会放西奥多去伤害莎拉。Krantz gives him an hour, or he'll turn T-Bag loose on Sara.

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“将军”和拉尔夫到达了,发现箱子是空的。Krantz and Ralph arrive and find that the briefcase is empty.

“将军”对他不放心,但西奥多希望“将军”不要小看他。Krantz is skeptical, but T-Bag says not to underestimate him.

迈可命令“将军”叫人放了索非亚,他遵照执行了。Michael orders Krantz to have Sofia released, and he does so.

在林肯一伙下榻的酒店里,文森特要“将军”打开电视。Back at the loft, Sandinsky tells Krantz to turn on the television.

在驾驶员位置的窗户旁是拉尔夫,他将迈克尔一伙押回到“将军”的所在。At the driver-side window is Ralph, who takes them all back to Krantz.

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“这些风险出奇地高,”当时的美国国家航空航天局飞行指挥官吉恩·格朗兹说。"The risks were incredibly high, " said then- NASA Flight Director Gene Krantz.

同时,“将军”与塔克斯宏会面,要他交待谁拿着“锡拉”。Meanwhile, General Krantz meets with Tuxhorn and demands to know who has Scylla.

他们射杀了拉尔夫,“将军”还没反应过来就已经处于了枪口下。They shoot Ralph and hold Krantz at gunpoint before he even knows what's happening.

在酒店套房,“将军”准备杀了西奥多,因为他犯了太多失误,电话铃声响起。At the loft, Krantz is about to kill T-Bag for his many failures when a phone rings.

林肯不愿告诉“将军”是他母亲拿着“锡拉”,西奥多对此惊愕不解。Linc declines to tell Krantz that Christina has Scylla, much to T-Bag's consternation.

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怀亚特跟赛尔夫谈了谈有关他查问“将军”一事,赛尔夫拒绝回答。Wyatt accosts Self about his investigation on General Krantz. Self refuses to tell Wyatt anything.

西奥多对便笺纸上的信息没什么兴趣,并且大怒称他们应该把所有信息告知“将军”。He's unimpressed with the post-it note and rages that they should have just told Krantz everything.

“将军”打开一台电视,上面显示的实况图像表明索非亚被枪口指着,“将军”再次提出要他交出“锡拉”。Krantz turns on a TV which shows a live feed of Sofia being held at gunpoint and demands Scylla again.