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沿高速公路向南行驶。Cracked up on the expressway.

我们要走高速公路吗?Shall we take the expressway?

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东北高速公路全部封闭。Northeast Expressway all closed.

他沿高速公路高速行驶。He barreled along the expressway.

高速道路可是改道建设。The expressway could be re-routed.

他们每天早晨在高速公路上跑步。They run the expressway every morning.

上饶客车奔驰在高速跑道。Shangrao bus running in the expressway.

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然后他便转弯把车驶入了高速公路。Then he swung the car onto the expressway.

这条高速公路被汽车堵塞了。The expressway was clogged with automobiles.

这条公路前端与高速公路再次相连。This road rejoins the expressway further on.

我们喜欢沿着新建的高速公路开车。We enjoyed driving along the new expressway.

立交桥变宽阔了,车驶上了NLEx高速公路。The flyover broadens into the NLEx Expressway.

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一条四车道的高速公路直通首都。A four-lane expressway runs straight to the capital.

一上高速路,车子就真正加快速度了。The car really opened up when being on the expressway.

高速路把这个州的两个大城市连起来了。This expressway links the two major cities of the state.

卡车和小汽车在高速公路上你追我赶。Trucks and cars were leapfrogging along the expressway.

湘西少数民族群众为这条“富民路”的开通而欢腾。Xiangxi minorities are cheering for the expressway opening.

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一团滚草被风吹上了公路。A block of weed tumbles onto my lane from below the expressway.

高速公路会延伸到我们镇上,这点已经得到证明。It's confirmed that the expressway will be extened to our town.

参丹高速公路是4线行车的高速公路,本溪,丹东。Shendan Expressway is a 4-lane expressway to Benxi and Dandong.