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方法入选56例患者均在CCU接受治疗。Methods 56 cases were treated with CCU.

目的总结CCU新护士临床培训方法。Objective To explore the clinical training method for new nurses in CCU.

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CCU在干旱的土壤中表现出优于聚合物包膜肥料的养分释放特性。In drought soil, CCU has a better nutrient release characteristic than polymer coated urea.

结论系统的CCU培训是培养临床一线高质量专业护士的有效方法。Conclusions Systematic CCU training is an effective way to train high-quality clinical professional nurses.

目的分析CCU患者压力源,提出护理对策,提高其生存质量。Objective To analysis stressor of CCU inpatient, put forward countermeasures and improve their life quality.

因此通信控制器就必须具有智能化,才能完成报文转换和路由确定的功能。So the CCU must be intelligentized, and can fulfill the function of packet transition and route ascertainment.

医院设置临床科室30个,医技科室10个,住院病区20个及中心ICU、CCU监护病房。The hospital has 30 clinical departments, 10 medical skill offices, 20 inpatient sections, and ICU and CCU wards.

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在急诊室检查心电图,所见符合急性心肌梗塞,收入冠心病监护病房抢救。In emergency clinic the ECG findings was compatible with acute myocardial infarction and was admit to CCU for treatment.

方法采用自行设计的问卷调查50例CCU患者家属的焦虑状况及其相关因素。Methods The family members of 50 CCU patients had been given questionnaires to evaluate their anxiety and correlative factors.

结果CCU患者家属的焦虑程度与家属之间的关系、家庭经济状况、CCU探视条件、对疾病知识了解的程度等因素有关。Results The factors related to anxiety of families of CCU patients were the environment of emergency department, the disease knowledge and so on.

有博士1人、硕士4人。科室分2个独立病区,布局合理,开放病床76张,并配备有新功能室、心导管室、CCU病房。Sections divided into 2 separate wards, layout reasonable , 76 opening beds and It is equipped with a new function rooms, cardiac catheterization lab, CCU ward.

目的引入“五常法”管理CCU日常工作,营造安全、舒适、整洁、高效的CCU环境。Objective Applying "five-routine working regulation" in the management of daily routine works in CCU to create a safe, comfortable and effective environment in CCU.

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介绍HXD1型大功率交流电力机车用SIBAS32控制系统、TCN列车通讯网络及其CCU控制软件的结构,分析机车网侧部件控制、自动过分相控制、操作逻辑控制、牵引/制动控制等功能,给出了机车故障诊断和调试的方法。Presented in this paper are the structure of SIBAS32 control system, TCN train communication network and its CCU control soft of type HXD1 high-power AC electric locomotive.