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请给我非吸烟区的位子。汉。I'd like a non-smoking seto.

瓦立阿告诉普什卡游戏刚刚开始。Tile seto tell pushkar game is just beginning.

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七濑让增田的妻子劝增田。Seven, the field of the seto let wife told the field.

瓦立阿也快急疯了,警察局也没有消息。Tile seto urgent crazy quickly also, police also no news.

针对这一问题,濑户淑夫却有着不同的看法。To solve this problem, Seto Shu husband has a different view.

濑户明白,就是因为了她的脚,让身份暴露。Seto Akishirai, because of her feet, let the identity exposed.

别墅位于冈山省濑户内海附近。The house positions itself in Okayama Prefecture near Seto Inland Sea.

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原来濑古井是钻法律的空子,使得他的违法行为合理化。Originally seen seto drill laws, is the illegal behavior makes him rationalized.

但是此次的对手是曾经与美寿寿打过交道的,阿功德不动产的濑古井。But the opponent is ever dealt with beauty ShouShou, o qualities of seen seto realty.

坠机现场靠近宫濑湖,周围有许多野营地和陵园。Seto crash site near Lake Palace, there are many campgrounds, and around the cemetery.

瓦立阿告诉塔伦芭丽正是他的妻子,他还让塔伦要帮芭丽打赢官司。Tile seto tell tarun barriss is his wife, he also let tarun to help barriss winning cases.

他又预知了七濑将被袭,最终警察高村救了七濑。He also foresaw seven seto will be hit, the police finally high village saved seven programmes.

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神谷亚弓便开始努力研究机器人的制造,她的助手七濑纯就是她的作品。God GuYa bow began to research robots to the manufacture, her assistant seven seto her work is pure.

罗丝尼故意问芭丽是否同意,芭丽说这是瓦立阿府,瓦立阿说的算。Rose, intentionally ask barriss agree with barriss says this is warwickshire mansion, tile seto said.

芭丽收到了匿名信和白纱丽,信上说瓦立阿马上活到头来。Barriss received a anonymous letter and white sari, the letter said that tile seto live right away in the end.

严岛位于濑户内海,自古以来一直是神道教的圣地。The island of Itsukushima, in the Seto inland sea, has been a holy place of Shintoism since the earliest times.

西尾为让店长增田家财两失,便骗增田夫妇,其妻子胃癌复发,七濑识破了其阴谋。West end to the manager for TianGuCai two lost, he cheated the field couple, the wife stomach cancer recurrence, seven out their plot seto.

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南临濑户内海,北朝中国山脉的冈山县,有著丰富多彩和优美的自然风景。Nestled between the Seto Inland Sea to the south and the Chugoku Mountains to the north, Okayama features a variegated and beautiful nature landscape.

塔尔卡歌唱着她不平凡的生活,她的歌声从小村庄中飘出,传到了世界各地。She was feared, despised and coveted. Taarka sang throughout her remarkable life, throughout her fate, from a small Seto village to international fame.

破产法上的抵销权源于民法中债的抵销权,故具有民法抵销权的一些特征。The right of setoff in law of bankruptcy is based on the seto ff of obligation in civil law, thereby it has some characteristics of that in ci vil law.