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在他们眼中,这都是出于群众情绪。To them it was mass emotionalism.

感情用事使这次讨论混乱不堪。Emotionalism muddied the discussion.

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主情主义又有其先天的缺弊。Emotionalism also has its innate defect.

主情主义有其内在的合理性。Emotionalism has its inherent rationality.

不过在李维特和达博纳看来,这些反对纯粹是意气用事。But to Levitt and Dubner, such objections are pure emotionalism.

多愁善感和感情用事妨碍了感觉的敏锐。Emotionalism and sentimentality prevent the sensitivity of feeling.

在二十世纪20年代,朱谦之的“唯情哲学”是当时的一个亮点。In the 1920s, Zhu Qianzhi's "Philosophy of Emotionalism" was a highlight in that period.

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那么,这种强烈的情感主义如何转化为对亚洲人面部特征的认识呢?So how does this intense emotionalism translate into perceptions of Asian facial features?

爵士乐吸取了非洲黑人音乐的节奏和情感流露方式。Jazz drew on the rhythms as well as the emotionalism of the African music and the Blacks' ancestors.

但中国和西方的分析师警告了中期选举前发狂抨击中国的感情主义。But Chinese and Western analysts warn against the emotionalism of the pre-midterm China-bashing frenzy.

主情思潮音乐思想,是中国古代音乐史上最为合理的音乐美学思想。Emotionalism music is considered as the most reasonable musical aesthetics in Chinese ancient history of music.

政治是建立在观念上的一种通病,而宗教则是浪漫、虚幻的感情主义。Politics is some kind of universal disease based on concepts, and religion is romantic, imaginary emotionalism.

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此外,他们那夸张的感情主义,有时会对他们最值得称赞的一些目标构成嘲讽。Furthermore, their exaggerated emotionalism occasionally made a mockery of some of their most laudable intentions.

但中国和西方的分析师警告了中期选举前发狂抨击中国的感情主义。But Chinese and Western analysts warn against the emotionalism of the pre-midterm China-bashing frenzy. They say the last time the U.

所以外界粗糙的推论,以为倒陈聪明,就能办扁,实也失之情绪化。Therefore the outside rough deduction, thought that Chen is but actually intelligent, can manage flatly, really also loses the emotionalism.

在一篇演讲中,他对政治中的情感主义严加斥责,大谈对法律,秩序和冷静的理智的需求。In the Lyceum speech that he delivered as a young man, he attacked emotionalism in politics and talked about the need for law, order and cool reason.

这样一种较为小型、简化而有秩序的取向,被认为是对于过度激动而疲乏的感性主义的回应。Smaller, more spare, more orderly was conceived of as the response to the overwrought emotionalism which many felt had herded people into the trenches.

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肯布尔想逃离肤浅的戏剧情感主义,想有个平等的知心人陪伴自已,于是她在一定程度上忘记了奴隶制,嫁给了他。Hoping to escape the shallow emotionalism of the theatre, assuming a companionship of equals and somehow managing to forget the slaves, she married him.

同时,朱谦之还以哲学理论为依据,提出了他的社会主张,二者相辅相成,共同表达了朱谦之对“任情的自由”的追求。Besides, he advances social opinion from his philosophy ideas. The two aspects supplement each other and embody the pursuit of the "Emotionalism Freedom".

罗恩是一名非常情绪化的球员,有时候他在场上所向无敌,但有时候他却有些软弱,他就是在这两种状态下摇摆。Rowen is an unusual emotionalism player, sometimes he on field invincible, but he actually somewhat is sometimes weak, he is swings under these two conditions.