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有吝啬父亲必有败家儿子。To an avaricious father, a prodigal son.

父啊,我控告自己吝啬。Father, I accuse myself of having been avaricious.

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所有的神甫全一样,又贪又吝。These priests are all thus, greedy and avaricious.

她是个贪婪的人,很少帮助别人。She is an avaricious person and seldom helps others.

我出现过任何具有贪婪倾向的症状吗?Have I given any symptoms of an avaricious disposition?

拿过来,你这个贪心的老骨头,拿来!Give it here, you avaricious old skeleton. give it here.

他们邪恶,充满愤怒,有罪,欺诈和贪婪。They are wicked, full of anger, sinful, false, and avaricious.

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有多少钱能填满,一个贪得无厌的人的欲望啊!How much money can fill, a be insatiably avaricious man's desire!

迈达斯是传说中弗律癸亚国的国王,他是一个贪得无厌的人。Midas is a legendary king of Phrygia who was insatiably avaricious.

他牺牲了自己的事业,这样他贪婪的弟弟才能成功。He sacrificed his own career so that his avaricious brother could succeed.

你令她在贪婪的秉性与野蛮的生存所致的十字架上受难。You have crucified her on the cross of avaricious temperament and bestial living.

在本轮经济复苏的大多数时间中,美国工人勤劳而并不贪婪。For most of this recovery, for example, workers have been industrious without becoming avaricious.

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加之贪得无厌的地方政府试图以抛售农民土地的方式来聚敛财富,群众闹事已经屡见不鲜。Riots have become common, fuelled by the attempts of avaricious governments to raise money by selling farmers' land.

小故事大道理,贪得无厌的人,一见别人的东西就眼红,不知不觉连自己已经具有的东西也失去了。Small story, be insatiably avaricious person, see someone else's eye, imperceptibly connect oneself have things lost.

傲慢在男人易犯的原罪中只名列第五,因他们懒得去感到忿怒,傲慢,嫉妒或贪得无厌,却非常易犯邪淫和饕餮之罪。Pride ranks only at No 5 for men, who are likely to have indulged in so much lust and gluttony that they are too slothful to feel angry, proud, envious or avaricious.

明清小说中有众多不同的徽商形象描写,其中以“贪财吝啬”和“乐施助人”两种形象最为典型。There are a lot ofd different images of Huizhou merchants in the novels of Ming and Qing, among which the two images of being avaricious and accommodating are typical.

因此,应当将泛滥成灾的贪欲之念驱之门外,如果能将贪念赶尽杀绝的话,幸福安乐的生活将从此拉开帷幕。Hence, be sure to drive off the avaricious mind that runs rampant. If you can extinguish all the cravings and spare none of them, a life of well-being and joy will play out for you.