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意志力能测吗?Can we measure willpower?

你的意志力存量是有限的。You have limited reserves of willpower.

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彻底发挥意志力需要充分的储备。Full-strength willpower requires a full tank.

她全靠意志力戒了烟。She managed to stop smoking by sheer willpower.

意志力从来不管用,最起码从长期来说不管用。Willpower never works --- at least not long term.

而后不知是意志力还是酒力的作用。And he can't be sure if it's willpower or the wine.

我缺乏意志力!管不住自己,一个劲地吃饼干!I don't have the willpower to stop eating cookies! !

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从理解意志力的真正涵义开始。Begin by understanding the true meaning of willpower.

原则和意志力只能在短期内有效。Discipline and willpower only work in the short-term.

我们需要自己的意志力来运气,我们的精神能量。We need willpower to channel our Qi, our spiritual energy.

教育须要有耐性、毅力和勤奋。Teirritingestedd requires patience willpower and diligence.

当然光靠毅力来抵制诱惑是不够的。Of course willpower is not all there is to resisting temptation.

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微笑以及其他提高情绪的行为都能赞助增强意志力。Smiling and other mood-lifting activities help improve willpower.

有恒心,有毅力,方能成功。Only the person with perseverance and willpower can be successful.

我认为,他与其说缺乏毅力,不如说缺少自我管理的能力。In my opinion, what he needs is not willpower but self-administration.

我还有很多事情要做!记住意志力就是超能力!I have a lots things to do ! Remember that willpower is the super-power!

看来你的意志力不如那个41岁的大学生啊。It seems your willpower is worse than the 41-year-old university student.

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体验营专家认为,仅凭意志力是无法戒烟的。The experts in the camps say strong willpower is not enough for quitters.

性格活泼开朗,顽强的意志力和良好的执行力。Be dynamic and open-mind, has strong willpower and good executive ability.

也许我的减肥奋斗史是意志力薄弱的表现。Perhaps my own losing struggle with weight reflects a failure of willpower.