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这就是话语。This is speech.

背诵演讲稿。Memorize your speech.

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他起草了讲演稿。He drafted his speech.

在37分钟的发言中。In a 37-minute speech.

我在起草一篇演说稿。I am drafting a speech.

他缩短了他的演说词。He curtailed his speech.

演讲被录下来了。The speech was recorded.

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我们所说的话语。Now speech is what we do.

那长篇讲话使我们厌倦了。The long speech bored us.

我们讥笑他的发言。We sneered at his speech.

恐惧使她说不出话来。Fear robbed her of speech.

他起草发言稿。He drafted out his speech.

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我们有言论自由。We have freedom of speech.

这是什么词类?What part of speech is it?

他的发言很精彩。He made a brilliant speech.

他的言语需加润饰。His speech needs polishing.

你的第一次战时演讲。Your first war-time speech.

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他的演说激动了群众。His speech flamed the crowd.

他的演说很富机智。His speech was full of wits.

谁致开幕词?。Who made the opening speech?