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对于升华和蒸发。For sublimation. Or vaporization.

除以纯的溶剂蒸发的焓变。Divided by delta H of vaporization of the pure solvent.

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实际上,汽化热与温度有关。The heat of vaporization is actually temperature dependent.

每摩尔吉布斯自由能,就是汽化的吉布斯自由能。Per mole, which is just the Gibbs free energy of vaporization.

和蒸发热,这是。The heat of vaporization of pure Kb A, this is K sub b up here.

它们是热膨胀、汽化和介质击穿。They are thermal expansion, vaporization and dielectric breakdown.

在这种情况下加料可能会导致额外的加料汽化。Filling during such conditions may result in excessive feed vaporization.

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雾化过程比汽化过程对扰动更为敏感。The atomization process is more sensitive to disturbance than vaporization.

我们得到-mB,MA等于,蒸发改变的吉布斯自由能除以。And I get minus nB times nA is equal to RT delta G of vaporization divided by RT.

鼓泡装置可以提供沸腾的汽化中心,防止液体暴沸。Bubbling boiling vaporization device center can provide, to prevent violent boiling liquid.

由于热泄露总是存在,在小容器里蒸发不断地发生。Since heat leak is always present, vaporization takes place continuously in smaller containers.

并由此建立了精馏塔动态模型。Fractionating tower model is established by establishing model of equilibrium flash vaporization.

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这里我不再强调,升华和蒸发,因为你们知道我要表达什么。And I'm freely dropping the sublimation and the vaporization because we know that's what I mean here.

蒸发率随容器的设计和储存产品的体积而变化。Rates of vaporization vary depending on the design of the container and the volume of stored product.

通过建立平衡闪蒸模型建立分馏塔模型。Fractionating tower model is established through establishing model of equilibrium flash vaporization.

瓦斯汽化炉、脱漆炉、热处理炉之销售、安装。Vaporization gas furnace, furnace section of dehydration, heat treatment furnace sales and installation.

激光功率和气化热对最优焦点位置只有一定的影响。The laser power and the heat of vaporization have only a certain influence on the optimal focal position.

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本文还运用“界面汽化热阱”概念对传热机理进行了分析。Also, the mechanism of this process has been analyzed with the concept of "interfacial vaporization heat sink".

汽车污染物来自排气管排出的废气、曲轴箱窜气和燃油蒸发等。Automobile pollutants come from waste gases exhausted from outlet, blow-by of crankcase and vaporization of fuel.

对电热法液体汽化热实验进行了研究,设计了新的实验装置。The experiment of liquid vaporization heat using electric heating method is studied and a new device is designed.