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他承认射了那只鸟。He acknowledged shooting the bird.

她承认他为自己的继承人。She acknowledged him as her heir.

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我向他鞠躬还礼。I acknowledged his politeness with a bow.

艾德承认在考试中作了弊。Ade acknowledged cheating in the examination.

库尔尼科娃感谢观众对她的支持。Kournikova acknowledged the support she gets.

曾荫权在上周五承认了这个问题。Mr. Tsang acknowledged the problem on Friday.

公认的摇滚乐女杰。The acknowledged first lady of rock and roll.

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这是举世公认的事实。It is the fact acknowledged from China to Peru.

销售部表示收到了我的订货单。The sales department acknowledged my order form.

杰克附一封友好的信对所赠礼物表示感谢。Jack acknowledged the gift with a pleasant letter.

他承认其中有一些抱怨不无道理。He acknowledged that some of the gripes were legit.

从没有公开承认自己的同性恋倾向。He never explicitly acknowledged his homosexuality.

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即使是撒旦教,也被官方宣判为一个宗教!Even Satanism is officially acknowledged as a religion!

正直的人一定会被认可,被承认A man of honor must be recognized, must be acknowledged.

基地组织也门分支承认了安巴力先生已经被炸死。Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch acknowledged Mr. Anbari’s death.

她被公认为是世界最佳网球选手。She is acknowledged as the best tennis-player in the world.

西穆尼奇自己也证实收到了来自英超球队的合同。The player himself acknowledged contracts with the EPL club.

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全世界都知道你杀人夜投票是我不可或缺的。It is universally acknowledged that you are indie ible to me.

但他承认,2009年仍将是艰巨的一年。But he acknowledged 2009 will continue to be a difficult year.

他的雄才大略是举世公认的。His rare gifts and bold strategy are universally acknowledged.