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铃木大道C50的。Suzuki Boulevard C50.

这是去太平路的车吗?Is this the right bus for Pacific Boulevard?

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我从联合大道向北到爱尔姆街。I went north on Union Boulevard to Elm Street.

长安街上有没有邮电局呀?Is there any post office on Changan Boulevard?

您需要在复兴门大街下车。And you need to get off at Fuxingmen Boulevard.

大牛,你看,这下面就是长安街。Daniel. Look, Changan Boulevard is right under us.

在特韦尔林荫道上有个什么人喊了他一声。In the Tverskoy Boulevard some one shouted his name.

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星期日的傍晚,人人都沿着大街遛达。On Sunday evening people stroll along the boulevard.

如果你沿着马尔科姆X大道第125大街走下去,that if you walk along Malcolm X Boulevard 125th street,

论,梦碎大道在哪里睡的城市。On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams , Where the city sleeps.

走到林荫大道上,他发现那手枪没有撞针。On the boulevard he noticed that the pistol had no trigger.

菲力浦公园的两边是比利大道及艾尔姆霍斯特大街。Phillips Park was bordered by Pelee Boulevard and Elmhurst.

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我走在这了无人烟的路上,这梦想碎片乱飞狂舞的路上。I walk this empty street. On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

外滩是黄浦江岸的一条宽阔的大道,约1.5公里长。The Bund is a wide boulevard on the bank of the Huangpu River.

然后冲上大街跟游客见面,问候他们。and zip on out to the boulevard to meet and greet the tourists.

一个从事“关门大吉”业务出现在拉斯维加斯大道附近。A closed business is seen near Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas.

著名的菩提树街,是欧洲最著名的林荫大道。The famous Bodhi Tree Street, is Europe's most famous boulevard.

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路旁的一盏回光灯微微照着这里的贫苦相。A lantern on the boulevard cast a vague light into this poor room.

它是世界上最长最直的一条大街,您知道。It's the longest and straightest boulevard in the world, you know.

在勃兰登堡门西面,林荫大道穿过蒂尔加藤公园。West of the Brandenburg Gate, the boulevard runs through Tiergarten.