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在什么是我们要保持自己根据这个劝告呢?In what are we to keep ourselves according to this exhortation ?

直到我来时,你要专务宣读、劝勉和教导。Until I arrive, attend to the reading, 7 exhortation , and teaching.

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我们每天都被这些劝导我们行动的话语包围着。We are surrounded, on a day-to-day basis, by the exhortation to act.

每一字每一句都带着对孩子的深切叮咛。Every word and every phrase can be an encouragement and exhortation to his son.

要避免一切邪恶的表样,这是被圣灵激动的使徒的劝告。Abstain from even the appearance of evil, is the exhortation of the inspired apostle.

现在他回忆起了当他听到爱克西多布道时,他内心独有的波澜。Now he recalled the peculiar stirrings in him when he had heard Exedore's exhortation.

反来复去总是拿生产来激励解放区的农家孩子。That is the constant and ever-recurring exhortation to the farm children of the Liberated Areas.

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但是,多年来,这样的劝告并没有说服大多数肥胖的人们去真正付诸实践。However, years of exhortation have failed to persuade most of those affected actually to do this.

为了使观众参与,演讲需要好的幽默感、足够手势、足以描述情境的辞汇及告诫。It took good humor, plenty of gestures, descriptive words and an exhortation for audience participation.

那条把所有的叙事、律法和智慧,预言、诗歌、吩咐与劝勉连在一起的那条线究竟是什么呢?What is the thread that pulls together all of the narratives, laws and wisdom, prophecy, poetry, instruction and exhortation?

得知王子尚的想法后苦口婆心劝诫王子尚好好训练,等一个月后在想与子芯的事。Told of the idea of the prince is prince well-meaning exhortation is training well, such as after a month in want to and son core.

苹果的世界存在明显的不合谐,这一点已被其最先的倡导者总结“不一样想法”。The Apple worldview has a significant point of internal dissonance, which is aptly summarised by its old exhortation to "Think different".

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在重要的销售区域中央,类似字眼还被制作成巨大的字母,镶嵌在缓慢旋转的红白色球体上。The same exhortation was emblazoned in huge letters on a giant red and white ball that revolved slowly in the middle of the main sales floor.

所以,我们今天的劝勉词不仅要思考以赛亚书2章,也要关注历代志下2章记载的有关乌西雅作王时期的主要事件。So this exhortation not only considers the lessons from Isaiah 2 but also key points from the reign of King Uzziah whose life is recorded in 2 Chronicles.

我的主人又对我说,附近的“慧骃”天天都来催促它遵照代表大会的劝告,它也不能再耽搁下去了。My master added, "that he was daily pressed by the Houyhnhnms of the neighbourhood to have the assembly's exhortation executed, which he could not put off much longer."

你们又忘了那劝你们如同劝儿子的话,说,我儿,你不可轻看主的管教,被他责备的时候,也不可灰心。And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him

衣服的旁边注有这样一句话,摘自缪克的关于他可能被暗杀以及劝告男同性恋应该走出黑屋的并且在影片中部分被引用的曾被录音的预言。The suit is accompanied by a line from Milk's taped premonition, partly quoted in the film, that he might be assassinated and his exhortation that gays come out of the closet.

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读完了律法先知的书,管会堂的叫人过去,对他们说,二位兄台,若有什么劝勉众人的话,请说。And after the reading of the law and the prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on.

通过一揽子的补助、低息贷款和鼓励政策,德国每年都能以合理的成本为数十万的房子实现高标准的生态改造。A mixture of subsidies, cheap loans and exhortation is succeeding in getting hundreds of thousands of older properties eco-renovated each year to very impressive standards and at reasonable cost.