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杰克和汤姆。Jack and Tom.

跟他说说,汤姆。Tell him, Tom.

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好,谢谢。Thank you Tom.

她在等待,汤姆。She waits, Tom.

喂!我是汤姆·琼斯。Yes! Tom Jones.

不行,汤姆少爷。Can't, Mars Tom.

汤姆插话。Tom interjected.

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向汤姆道歉。Apologize to Tom.

他的名字是汤姆。His naree is Tom.

杰克对汤姆说。Jack said to Tom.

无论累不累,汤姆。Tired or not, Tom.

汤姆绷着脸说。Tom said sullenly.

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你生汤姆的气了吗?Are you mad at Tom?

好吧,跟世通问一下。OK, check with Tom.

然后汤姆布里格斯进来了。Tom Briggs came in.

汤姆点头称是。Tom nods saying is.

汤姆边打呵欠边回答。Tom yawned a reply.

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你一定是汤姆。And you must be Tom.

柯伦汤姆绘画。Tom Curran painting.

汤姆把他的笔借给了我。Tom lent me his pen.