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但是他还需要更大的魄力。But more boldness is needed.

阿瑟被赫斯特的大胆言辞惊住了。Arthur was frightened by her boldness.

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他居然腆著脸要更多钱。He had the boldness to ask for more money.

领导不满报纸的胆大妄为。Party leaders resented the newspapers’ boldness.

所需要的只有运气,狡猾和胆识。All you needed was luck and cunning and boldness.

这些词让你的思想失去力度和勇气。They reduce the power and boldness of your ideas.

给我肤色的祖国,给我智慧与胆略的祖国。Color my country, give me wisdom and boldness of the motherland.

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一些保守党人抱怨说,如此大胆的举措却未在其他领域见到。Such boldness is missing in other areas, grumble some Tory thinkers.

这其实,就是胆识,而拿得起,放得下,就是魄力。This actually, is courage, and affordable, to put next, is boldness.

我们因信耶稣,就在他里面放胆无惧,笃信不疑的来到神面前。In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

两国也因此始终不能放心大胆地坦诚交流、进行合作。For this reason, the two countries can't cooperate in sincerity and boldness.

一种可以把生活贡献出来过活的勇敢,还有整个的经历。A boldness that offers up life as it is meant to be lived. The full experience.

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就是这样的勇敢帮助魏德圣创造出一个个电影奇迹。It is this boldness that has helped Wei create one movie miracle after another.

不过勇气是无知与卑贱的产儿,远不如其他条件重要。And yet boldness is a child of ignorance and baseness , far inferior to other parts.

字母的轻或重能影响文档的可读性。The lightness or boldness of the letters can affect the legibility of your document.

当这些形容词都表不加思考的鲁莽的意思时,常把它们进行比较。These adjectives are compared as they mean given to or marked by unthinking boldness.

这是一个独特的论坛,我希望你们以大胆创新的精神参加这个论坛。This is a unique forum and one which I hope you approach with boldness and creativity.

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人的智慧使他的脸发光、并使他脸上的暴气改变。A man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.

但另一些中国官员和思想者却十分清楚这样蛮干的危险。But other Chinese officials and thinkers just as clearly sense danger in such boldness.

这样一件体量并不算大的陶塑,竟产生出非凡的气魄和雄强的力量感。It is amazing that such a small piece of pottery can convey so much vigor and boldness.