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息票,赠品券,附单,配给券。The allotment of ration coupons.

或者有提醒配股缴款的服务。Or have to remind the allotment payment services.

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当这三个信封一空,我就不再乱花钱。Three envelopes, and when they’re empty, I’ve spent my allotment.

而在流交换网络中,分配的带宽时常改变。In a flow-switching network, the allotment of bandwidth would change constantly.

芙蓉锡矿田中的绿泥石可分为两个矿化阶段。Chlorite in Furong tin allotment can be divided into two stages of mineralization.

然而,这种情况下,这两个端点之间的带宽分配是固定的。In this case, however, the allotment of bandwidth between the two endpoints is fixed.

如果你觉得还未能得到所有免费物品,检查自己是否处理得当。If you feel you're not getting your full allotment of free stuff, check with your management.

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10年前我承租了一小块地,那会儿“种自己的菜”大概像秋海棠一样时髦。I took on an allotment 10 years ago when "grow-your-own" was about as fashionable as begonias.

其中的关键是发现最佳的蛋白质,糖类和脂肪在你的能量中的配比。Finding the best ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat within your calorie allotment is key.

参与网下配售的投资者应全额缴付申购款。The investors who are to participate in the off-line allotment shall fully pay the subscription price.

当时我是被封为宰相,每日都得他十荚的落花生吃。At that time I had the rank of Prime Minister and I received my daily allotment of ten pods of peanuts.

配股时大股东参与程度在一定程度上影响募集资金盈利能力。Big shareholders involving in allotment of shares may affect the profitability of the fund to some extent.

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债券之发行、期满、买回或有依规定核给股份之情事者。The issuance, maturity, or repurchase of bonds, or the allotment of shares in accordance with regulations.

住在你城里的利未人,你不可丢弃他,因为他在你们中间无分无业。And do not neglect the Levites living in your towns, for they have no allotment or inheritance of their own.

检举奖励资金的拨付,按照财政国库管理制度的有关规定执行。The allotment of the funds for rewarding tip-offs shall be governed by the state treasury management bylaws.

研究了信息产品的价值分配,认为信息产品的价值分配具有多维性和合理性。Information product value allotment is multidimensional and rationality after studying the value allotment of it.

老师们设计出课程让学生们建立自己的公司,其中牵涉到金钱管理。Its abecedary devised a advance area humans set up their own business, allotment of that complex money management.

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祭司利未人和利未全支派必在以色列中无分无业。The priests, who are Levites--indeed the whole tribe of Levi--are to have no allotment or inheritance with Israel.

非常不幸的是,你这辈子读过的洋洋数千卷书,你可能再也没时间重读了。Too bad, for there probably isn't time to go back to re-read your lifetime's allotment of five thousand or so books.

分析传统分配网布线方式存在的问题以及集线方式布线的优点。Described the problems of the wiring method in traditional allotment net and the line-concentrating method's advantage.