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不要因为这次失败而气馁。Don t let this defeat dishearten you.

不良信贷可以气馁,你在许多方面。Bad credit can dishearten you in many ways.

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这种现状使我苦恼,却不使我气馁。This state of things afflicted , but did not dishearten me.

反复无常的法律和社会秩序也使游客同样感到沮丧。Volatile law and order situation also dishearten foreign tourists.

但是,这些巨大挑战的现实不应使我们心灰意冷。But the reality of these formidable challenges should not dishearten us.

一些人用厌恶的目光看她的脸时似乎使她更加沮丧。The way some people looked at her face with disgust seemed to dishearten her even more.

你讲述第二纪元那些令人振奋的史诗故事,使附近的敌人感到无比沮丧,并且可以不断激励队友前进。Your rousing tales of the Second Age dishearten nearby foes and lighten the footsteps of your allies.

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我担心的是新的尝试启动了对这些机器,然后成为气馁的运动。My fear is that newcomers with try to start out on these machines and then become dishearten to the sport.

我认为漏油已经让我们灰心丧气,让公众对于平稳的经济复苏持更为保留的态度.The spill dishearten us all and, I believe, makes the public a little more reticent to assume a smooth recovery.

失败不能让我失去勇气,只会让我得到更多磨练。上天会指引我。真理比人类的智慧更崇高。-甘地。Defeat cannot dishearten me. It can only chasten me. I know that God will guide me. Truth is superior to man's wisdom. -Gandhi.

大多数球队教练认为最好是现场球迷安静下来的方法就是早早确定领先优势。Most coaches believe the best way to quiet a vociferous crowd is to build an early lead which can dishearten and silence the fans.

而军官亦明白到,在战场上的惊骇,可以叫一些士兵崩溃,无法克胜神的仇敌。The army officers recognized also that paralyzing fear on the battlefield could dishearten soldiers from their mission against God's enemies.