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样子愉快是壮健的增加剂。Cheerfulness is the promoter of health.

这意味着你要厚着脸皮的自我推销。This means being an unabashed self promoter.

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神父鲁滕是所有这些伟大的启动子。Fr Rutten was the great promoter of all these.

弗雷德兰德还大力推广这项运动。Mr. Friedlander is also a vocal promoter of the sport.

在国外被广泛用作促生长剂。In overseas it is widely used as antibiotic growth promoter.

鲁奈公司采用了未公开的活性剂和防蚀剂。Lurgiuses has used undisclosed promoter and corrosion inhibitor.

哲学家伊曼努尔·康德是一个道德绝对主义发展的推动者。The philosopher Immanuel Kant was a promoter of moral absolutism.

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更多的了解家乐福的使命和促销员的职责。To lean more about carrefour's mission and promoter responsibilities.

是他的推广人不想迎战马奎兹,真有意思。It's his promoter that doesn't want to fight Marquez, and that's fine.

请这个计划的发起者用强有力的证据证实这个宣称。Ask the promoter of the plan to substantiate claims with hard evidence.

心情愉快是健康的增进剂。——英国作家阿狄生。J。Cheerfulness is the promoter of health. Joseph Addison, British writer.

设立人对律师事务所的债务承担无限责任。The promoter shall be unlimitedly liable for the debts of the law firm.

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发起人立刻制了一份遥控马达的报价单。The promoter promptly made a quotation for the remote control motors.

另外还必须带有,受体细胞能够识别的启动子It also has to have a promoter for the gene that the cells can recognize.

告诉赞助商我们需要更多的座位,我们刚刚卖完了所有的站票。Tell the promoter we need more seats, we just sold out all the floor seats.

牛、羊的转录启动区具有TATA型看家基因启动子特征。Their transcription promoter regions have the characteristics of TATA-promoter.

NALP1及其邻启动子区域显示出强烈的候选基因旌旗灯号。NALP1 and its adjacent promoter region stood out strongly as the candidate gene.

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结合生物信息学方法分析预测基因上游的启动子序列。Promoter sequence of the gene's upstream was forecasted by bioinformatic method.

为这一胚乳特异启动子的广泛利用提供了理论依据。It offers the theoretical foundation for the use of this endosperm specific promoter.

煤粉燃烧促进剂A、B可大大提高煤粉的燃烧率。The combustion promoter A and B may improve the combustion of pulverized coal greatly.