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毕竟,欧洲虽富有但却胆小如鼠。After all, Europe is rich but wimpy.

我看了一部名叫“小屁孩日记”的电影。I watched a movie called "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".

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看到你如此虚弱我怎能不紧张?How can I not be nervous seeing you wimpy like that?

长着两条细胳膊又喜欢抽烟的足球运动员一般身体都很弱。Smoking soccer players with thin arms are often very wimpy.

这已经是你看小屁孩日记第十遍了,居然又哭了。You cry again for the tenth time to see the Diary of a wimpy kid.

罗德里格克法则是小屁孩日记系列的第二部。Rodrick Rules is the second book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

单干,多数电子簇就会失去作用,并因此而死亡。Alone, most of the electronic bits are wimpy and would die of nonuse.

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即使是对于像我这样懦弱的七岁小姑娘来说,这种游戏也最终成为了一笔财富。This game turned out to be a pile, even to a wimpy seven year old girl like me.

考官认为那些握手软弱无力的学生更胆小,留下的印象更淡薄。Students with ' wimpy ' shakes were judged to be more timid and less impressive.

但是我安慰心里面另一个懦弱的自己,如果我早早赶去机场的话,我就可以得到最好的座位。But if I get there real , real , early , I told my old wimpy self , I will get the best seat.

看到你如此虚弱我怎能不紧张?我想着同时猛地喝了下去。How can I not be nervous seeing you wimpy like that? I was thinking, gulping down the liquid.

要记住,没有什么比一巴掌把一个可怜的渗透者的脑袋打飞更令人满足了。And remember, nothing will ever be as satisfying as slapping a wimpy infiltrator's head clean off his shoulders.

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无力的握手会令对方兴味索然,所以不妨先找一位朋友练习握手,确保你和别人握手时既不会令对方骨头生疼,也不会显得软弱无力。Weak handshakes turn people off, so practice yours with a friend to make sure it's neither bone-crushing nor wimpy.

鱼和熊掌永远不能兼得,尤其是你们的军队满是老旧的苏式货和偷来的美国技术。Will never have your cake and eat it too especially with your wimpy military full of old Soviet and stolen US technology.

因此,虽然LCROSS带给我们的第一个惊喜——微弱的气柱——令人失望,但也许下一个就会让人满意了。So, while the first LCROSS surprise — the wimpy plume — was disappointing, perhaps the next one the mission delivers will be happy.

摩伤是一种与跑步有关的疾病,对于这种病,你只能发出无用的抱怨,因为,毕竟它只是一种皮肤刺激。Chafing is one of those running-related injuries that you almost feel wimpy complaining about because, after all, it's just a skin irritation.

我从不在锻炼时苛求自己,而且尽管相信她会嘲笑我的锻炼强度太小,我已经做到多年来每个星期都坚持做几次。I never push myself when I exercise, and although I suspect she scoffs at my wimpy workouts, I've managed to get myself to exercise several times a week for years.

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真正的程序员不用FORTRAN,FORTRAN是给穿白袜子的幼稚工程师们用的。他们热衷于有限元分析和核反应模拟。Real Programmers don't write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for wimpy engineers who wear white socks. The get excited over finite state analysis and nuclear reactor simulations.

Infuse搭载一枚极速的1.2G赫兹蜂鸟单核处理器,其前置摄像头只有130万像素,形同鸡肋,但是后置摄像头达到800万像素。The Infuse runs on a speedy 1.2-gigahertz Hummingbird single-core processor. Its front-facing camera is a wimpy 1.3-megapixels, but the rear camera captures 8-megapixels.