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他们购得了一处可终身拥有的房子。They bought the freehold of their house.

在公园旁边买一大块地。Buy a freehold block bordering a National Park.

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没有限制的完全保有的土地所有权。Freehold ownership of land with no restriction to it.

最年长的儿子帮助他的父亲耕种,并成功地得到一些终身不动产。The eldest assisted his father in farming, and succeeded to his little freehold.

在泰国,除在极少情况下,外籍人士不能拥有不动产。In Thailand a foreigner may not, except in rare circumstances, own freehold land.

购买预建共管柏文,与购买既有物业有些许不同。Buying a preconstruction condo unit is somewhat different with a freehold property.

然而,外籍人士可以有一套公寓房的个人所有权。It is possible, however, for a foreigner to own the freehold of a condominium unit.

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而在越南,不动产有中央政府持有,这倒在很大程度上避免了中国的问题。In Vietnam the freehold remains with the central government, so such problems are rarer.

这种方法立足于向所有被选择的家庭提供不动产产权。This approach was based on the provision of individual freehold titles to all selected households.

帝庭园是5星级完全保有服务公寓由著名的帝豪丽晶酒店国际管理。Prima Regency is your 5 star FREEHOLD Service Apartment managed by the renowned Dorsett Regency Hotel International.

然而在中国,不动产的产权属于当地集体经济,但是谁是他的法人代表却没有清晰的界定。However, in China the freehold of the land remains vested in local collectives , without a clear indication of who represents them.

在迪拜允许海湾地区以外的外国人购买永久性房产后约30个月,市场在2008年9月达到顶峰。The market peaked in September 2008, about 30 months after Dubai allowed foreigners from outside the Gulf to buy freehold properties in designated areas.

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依据所有权人可否取得土地的现实占有,土地所有权被分为现实所有权和将来所有权。Based on how the owner take present possession of the land, we can divide iestatess in the land into present possessory freehold estates and future interests.