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甚至当你使用付费服务时,那些使用爪哇或爪哇描述语言应用程序的网站可能会无法访问。Even with paid-for services, sites that use Java or JavaScript apps may not work.

您可以添加额外的线索,并动态地拖放源。You can add additional hints and drag sources dynamically to the form using JavaScript.

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框架的另一重要特性是其改进的事件处理支持。Another important feature of JavaScript frameworks is its improved support for event handling.

和你读这篇帖子之前以及之后的动作。Because Favorit uses Javascript it will gauge how long you read a post and what you did before during and after.

在Safari中,可以关闭失控脚本的检测功能。You can turn off long-running script detection by selecting Disable Runaway JavaScript Timer under the Develop menu.

就像我上次说的,你也可以不用参数,在JavaScript和PHP中只用圆括号,这实际上是一个规范。You can also get away, as I said last time, with just putting parentheses in JavaScript and PHP, this is, in fact, the norm.

不管是C,PHP还是JavaScript语言,通过缩进一些,程序块是有目的的。the choice of indentation here is deliberate throughout programming whether it's in C or PHP or JavaScript in this particular course.

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这些轻量级框架使用HTML5和CSS3标准来帮助您快速开发跨平台的Web移动应用和网站。To help you rapidly deploy cross-platform mobile apps and websites, there’s a wide range of JavaScript frameworks you can take advantage of.

这个页面将是我们的js脚本所在,并且这个页面将会让用户们访问柄看到Ajax脚本的运行。This is the page that all our JavaScript will be in, and the page that users will visit to see the Ajax script in action. Let’s call this file ajax.html.

这就是C与其它一些语言的不同之处,比如你熟悉的语言和,你们将在课程上看到的其它语言,像PHP和。So here's where C differs from some language that you might be familiar with and from languages that you'll see later in the course, JavaScript like PHP and JavaScript.

你也可以在网页中修改HTML,查看网页上某个特定区域的源码,可以在不写任何脚本语言的情况下做任何的修改。You can also modify HTML on a page, view the source for a specific area of the page, and make all kinds of modifications without having to write any JavaScript whatsoever.

在开始处理客户到服务器的连接前,需要首先确保图像能调用函数。Before you start dealing with client-to-server connections, you've got to make sure your images call a function. So let's start with a simple placeholder JavaScript function

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当然,如果不能轻松地将对象转换回本文提到的文本格式,那么所有数据修改都没有太大的价值。Of course, all that data modification isn't of much value if you can't easily convert back into the textual format mentioned in this article. That's also trivial in JavaScript

如果您提供课后班服务,并希望您的服务可以增加到这个列表中,欢迎和我们联系。If you are service owner and want to have your free link here, you can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

另一个列子是不太显眼的Flickr头像,Flickr用json输出显示你最新相片,当用户禁用脚本,哪个位置显示的只是一个链接。Another example is the unbobtrusive Flickr badge that uses the JSON output of Flickr to show your latest photo when JavaScript is available but only a link to them when it is turned off.