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他们的语言所具有的缺陷。The defectiveness of their language.

莪用个个词组来修饰那些隐藏悳残缺。I use a word to come to polish defectiveness concealing.

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磨光交货的钢材,表面不得有缺陷。Steels delivered by polishing shall have surface without defectiveness.

其一,小孩会有一种残缺感或缺乏爱的感觉。First the child begins to take in the feeling of defectiveness or un-loveability.

然而由于种种原因,政府规制也会失灵。However, for some reason, governmental regulation may also give way to its defectiveness.

克汀病导致精神缺陷和障碍的高发病率。Clinical cretinism results in an extremely high degree of mental defectiveness and impairment.

一整套系统已经开始运转,出生以后仍然会存在某种缺陷。A panoply has been set in motion, and defectiveness to some degree will still present at birth.

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可是对有智慧的人而言,这些不被考虑,有缺陷者才是最幸运的一群。Man of wisdom doesn't think they are unpropitious, because creature with defectiveness is lucky indeed.

究竟是MBO本身有缺陷,还是我国的制度环境不完善所致?。What is status of MBO? Whether MBO itself has defectiveness or China's system circumstances have faultiness?

按照货物的质量低劣程度,损坏程度和买方蒙受损失的金额将货物贬值。Devalues the Products according to defectiveness degree, damage degree and the loss amount incurred to Buyer.

通过综述对质谱技术用于手性识别的不足之处以及未来主要发展趋势进行了讨论。The defectiveness and future development about the applications of ESI-MS in chiral recognition are discussed.

这主要是由于目前相当多的校规内容本身存在严重的缺陷和问题。The main reason is that there are serious defectiveness and problems in quite many present regulations by itself.

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市场流动性不足和债券收益率曲线缺乏代表性是当今中国债券市场的主要缺陷。Deficiency of market fluidity and shortage of representative bond yield are main defectiveness of Chinese bond market.

他以芸芸众生的生命状态作为审美对象,以思考和写作作为自己的审美方式,以博爱作为自己的审美追求。Faced with defectiveness , Shi Tiesheng fights with thinking and writing, and endeavors to make it up with generous love and care.

此外,紧急状态下对房屋、土地等不动产的征用问题存在着立法上的缺失。Furthermore, there exists defectiveness in the legalization of the expropriation about the house and real estate property in the emergent situation.

在分析陷阱网络密钥不足和黑客隐藏IP的手段基础上,提出了改进陷阱网络模型的方法。On the basis of analysing the defectiveness of honeypot network and the way of hiding real IP address, an improved honeypot network model is introduced.

除了历史和观念原因外,定价机制的缺失是重要影响因素。Besides the history and conception reasons, the defectiveness of pricing mechanism is also a major reason for the current situation of the intermediary business.

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算例表明,该定价模型避免了市场比较法、收益现值法和重置成本法在价值评估中的缺陷。Numerical results showed that the model can overcome the defectiveness of market comparison approach, income present value approach and replacement cost approach.

提出可能影响LED可靠性的几种因素,主要有封装中的散热问题和LED本身材料缺陷。Several factors influencing LED reliability are put forward, among which the material defectiveness of LED and the heat dissipation during packaging are the main factors.

提出了现代中医学整体系统论思想体系是存在一定缺陷的,并建议增添“脑”为总控大脏功能体。So we propose that there is some defectiveness in the Traditional Chinese Medical holistic thought, and "brain" should be added as the general controlling functional system.