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开头和结尾提供标准的设置。The preamble and epilogue provide standard setup.

本文包括前言、主文和结论。The dissertation includes preface, text and epilogue.

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本论文由绪论、正文、结语三部分组成。This thesis is composed of exordium, text and epilogue.

结语部分就研究自身进行了反思。We rethought profoundly to the studying in the epilogue part.

小说的后记部分淡化了捕鲸船悲惨毁灭的一幕。The novel's epilogue tempers the tragic destruction of the ship.

他看书时很重视后面的补记。When reading he attaches great importance to the epilogue of books.

抱有幻想,并且,我在结尾部分。I added a paragraph to the body of the epilogue expanding this notion.

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全文共分四部分,包括导论、词法、句法和结语。The text includes four parts—introduction, morphology, syntax and epilogue.

这样的话语,或许她永远都不会对拓跋慎说。Words like this, probably she can't carefully say to the Tuo epilogue always.

其后的南京保卫战实际上是淞沪之战的尾声。The fight afterward for Nanking was practically the epilogue of Songhu campaign.

这件作品既代表了新艺术运动的高潮,也预示着它的尾声。The Petals Stoclet is not only a climax, but also an epilogue of the Art Nouveau.

结语部分对中国艺术歌曲的发展做出了展望。Epilogue is about the views and prospects on the development of China's art songs.

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这与之前的代码完全相同,不过增加了序言和尾声代码。That's exactly the same code as before, just wrapped with prologue and epilogue code.

如果我没如此生动地记得那最后的一景的话,我实际上就会总想把它当作一个噩梦的。If I didn`t remember its epilogue so vividly, I would actually be tempted to think of it as a bad dream.

在爆炸般的掌声中,覃争鸣讲师结束了他精彩的讲演,讲座也进入了尾声。Dr Tan finished his splendid prelection in impassioned applause and our cathedra also came into the epilogue.

结语对清末民国时期内蒙古地区基督宗教的传播作了全面评价。Epilogue has entirely evaluated Christianity spreading in Inner Mongolia in the Qing evening and Minguo time.

在为今年出版的平装本写的一篇后记中,格林斯潘反驳了对他的种种批评意见。When the paperback version came out this year, Mr. Greenspan wrote an epilogue that offers a rebuttal of sorts.

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结语部分对波伏娃小说的哲学思想进一步做出归纳和评价,从而彰显其小说的独特价值。The epilogue summarizes and appraises Beauvoir's philosophy thoughts and consequently indicates the value of her novel.

结语部分对本文进行了总结性的概括,指出了行政监察体制改革和完善的艰难性。Epilogue give a overall summery of this thesis and points the hardship of administrative supervise reform and improvement.

余论部分从地域文学的角度,着重论述了谭嗣同在甘肃的经历及创作。The epilogue briefly narrated Tan-Sitong's experience and creation in Gansu province from the point of regional literature.