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因为它没有一个析构函数。Because it does not have a destructor.

如果存在析构函数,则将其重写为类终结器。If a destructor is present, rewrite that to be the class finalizer.

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因此,让我告诉您如何删除恶意软件析构2009年,是免费的。So let me show you how to remove Malware Destructor 2009, for free.

例如,无法在析构函数或终结器上请求一个新的槽。For example, a new slot cannot be requested on a destructor or finalizer.

分析了影响垃圾焚烧炉燃烧稳定性的几个重要因素。The main factors, which affect the combustion stability of destructor is analyzed.

调用析构函数时,将调用垃圾回收器来处理该队列。When the destructor is called, the garbage collector is invoked to process the queue.

引导块到沙井或使用块析构以清除堵塞的道路。Guide the blocks into the manholes or use the Block Destructor to clear the blocked path.

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对于实现了析构函数释放非内存资源的对象来说,这是最常见的问题。This is mostly a problem with objects that implement a destructor to free non-memory resources.

这种解构器必须在解除父类引用之前进行调用。This destructor would have to be called specifically before unsetting the parent class reference.

钩子的析构函数检查钩子是否处于缺省状态。如否,则引发断言。Hook's destructor checks if the hook is in the well-known default state. If not, an assertion is raised.

当句柄范围的析构函数被调用时,所有在那个范围中创建的句柄都将被从栈中移除。When the handle scope's destructor is called all handles created within that scope are removed from the stack.

和没有引用计数的版本比较一下效率。Compare the efficiency of this function with that of the destructor for a non-reference-counted implementation.

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试验发现在细沙和不同甘油浓度条件下,所有线虫群体在低温处理下均未查到活虫。However, in the sand and glycerol, all populations of Ditylenchus destructor could not survive at low temperature.

程序员无法控制何时调用析构函数,因为这是由垃圾回收器决定的。The programmer has no control over when the destructor is called because this is determined by the garbage collector.

继承层次关系的根类应该定义虚函数性质的析构函数,即使这个析构函数不做任何的事情。The root class of an inheritance hierarchy should define a virtual destructor even if the destructor has no work to do.

类似地,子类析构函数在它完成其资源释放之后,也要调用基类的析构函数。Similarly, a subclass destructor must call its superclass destructor after it has completed its own resource reclamation.

推测不同蜂幼虫血淋巴中营养物质含量的不同与东方蜜蜂的抗螨性相关。It is speculated that the diversity of the component in haemolymph had a correlation to the tolerance in A. cerana to Varroa destructor.

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结论CT是诊断真菌性鼻窦炎的重要手段,尤其是并发骨质破坏者的诊断。ConclusionThe CT is the diagnosis fungi the importance means of nasosinusitis, particularly erupt bone substance destructor of diagnosis.

通常为一个状态增加一个析构函数,可以实现退出动作。由于析构函数的固有特性,这一方法有两个缺点。An exit action can be implemented by adding a destructor to a state. Due to the nature of destructors, there are two disadvantages to this approach.

在CXyz类,编译器断定它的默认构造函数,拷贝构造函数和析构函数都毫无意义,经过优化后把它们排除掉了。In the case of the CXyz class, the compiler decided that the default constructor, copy constructor, and the destructor are trivial enough, and optimized them out.