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被宠坏的小羊将会长成蛮横的大羊。A spoiled lamb will become an overbearing sheep.

于是,我们的本地恋运动不会一杆子打。No, our Date Local movement won't be overbearing.

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这位上了年纪的女演员非常紧张,而且傲慢自大。The aging actress was very high-strung and overbearing.

整个人带着一种嚣张的华美。The whole individual takes a kind of overbearing gaudiness.

他对待仆人的行为太霸道了。His behavior toward the waiter was insufferably overbearing.

从那以后,他尽力和工人打成左宜右有一片,从不盛气凌人。From then on, he tried to and workers mixed never overbearing.

做为自杀者的亲友,你也许会感到难以忍受.The emotions you feel as a survivor of suicide can be overbearing.

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这也许比事事横加干涉和傲慢专横的行为要好。That's probably better than constant meddling or overbearing behavior.

对老师、傲慢的邻居或者你的婆母也一样。Same goes for the teacher, overbearing neighbor, or your mother-in-law.

在接下来的试用里,它的霸道和强悍,征服了每一个试用者。In the next trial, it's overbearing and powerful, to conquer every trial.

此外,过度的注视会让别人觉得你傲慢而自负。Likewise, an overbearing stare can make you appear arrogant and egotistical.

李旭脸上的嚣张之意在他挂了电话后就特别的旺盛了。Li Xu Lian's overbearing motif after he hanged a telephone specially prosperous.

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不要一开始就搞专制,否则你不会有任何追随者。Do not be to overbearing at the outset, otherwise you will not have any followers.

我在平时就要求自己乐于助人,不卑不亢,爱憎分明。I usually will ask your helpful, neither overbearing nor servile, likes and dislikes clearly.

佛罗伦莎的居民明确表示他们认为雕像很丑陋,并且太张扬,不希望展示出来。Residents have made it clear they find them ugly and overbearing and do not want them on show.

他们那种神气十足的官僚架子实在叫人吃不消。Their overbearing bureaucracy and their self-satisfied airs are really more than one can stand.

“沃甫”的严格条款一出,有人拍手赞成,也有批评家指责其太“霸道”。Wafu's strict policy has been welcomed by some but criticized as overbearing by some reviewers.

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但是,如果你说话的声音太大,人们就会觉得你傲慢专横,目空一切。But, if you speak too loudly , you may be perceived as overbearing , bossy , a bully , a braggart.

楚基洛先生报怨说,身为公司大股东及公司调控机构的政府太蛮横霸道了。Mr Trujillo bemoans an overbearing government which is both his firm's main shareholder and its regulator.

昨天,你霸气的“不准走。”好像钉子,将我钉在了电脑前。跟你有的没得聊个没完。Your yesterday's overbearing tone"Donot go" nailed me in front of the computer, chin-wagging with you aimlessly.