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我只知道卧姿是步枪项目射击姿势的一种。I only know it is one of the shooting positions for the rile event.

没有什么能比一个以一群愤怒的人进行的儿童体育比赛更能说明问题。There's nothing like a children's sporting event to rile people up.

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斗牛士试图激怒的费迪南德,终于撕开打开他的衬衫。The bullfighter tries to rile Ferdinand, and finally rips open his shirt.

我可以独自坐着让脑子里至少有三种迥异的观点互相争辩。I can sit alone and rile myself up thinking about three different opinions.

一些中国国有媒体称,对台军售可能进一步损害美中关系大局。Some Chinese state media suggested the arms row could further rile wider relations.

Kellerman不知道LJ的具体位置,决定刺激LJ的情绪,“听到了吧?”Unaware of LJ’s exact location, Kellerman decides to rile LJ’s emotions. “Hear that?”

他真是近代或者整个历史上最撕裂社会的总统。他是真的想要激怒墨西哥。下一个是谁?He really is the most divisive president in recent history, if not ever. He really wants to rile Mexico. Who's next?

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我可不想激怒平民,直到我们对我们正在处理的这件事有了一个更深的认识,提里奥说。I'd rather not rile the citizenry until we have a better understanding of what we're dealing with here, Tirion said.

中国部队从未进行过深海反舰演习,不想造因此成台海的紧张局势,也不想激怒美国。It has not rehearsed deep-sea drills against aircraft-carriers. It does not want to create alarm in the region, nor to rile America.

就算是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事也会惹毛对方,像谁管电视遥控器啦,湿毛巾丢地上啦,磨磨蹭蹭准备太长时间啦。Even trivial things – like who looks after the TV remote, leaving wet towels on the floor and taking too long to get ready – rile us.

不单是行李的重量会让同行伴侣头疼,女性行李箱里衣物的平均价值更是达到了1140英镑。And it's not just the added weight that is likely to rile their partners, for the value of all those clothes in the average woman's suitcase is ?1,140.

此言一出立即惹怒了很多女人,有个愤怒的女读者长篇大论驳斥老愚,又引起新一轮的读者辩论。This character instantly rile a lot of women, the old fool of denounce of female reader harangue that has an anger, cause again new round reader argues.

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餐馆生意越来越好,而谭依旧我行我素,每天拿着赚来的钱去赌博并且惹怒了何。Restaurant business is better and better, and Tan depends on old persist one's old ways, taking everyday earn the money that come to go gamble and rile why.

共和党也许还会通过控制预算这种王牌来强迫多数党批准无限制的伊拉克拨款,这将威胁到民主党的经济基础。Republicans also may be holding the budget hostage in order to force the majority to authorise unfettered Iraq funding, which would rile the Democratic base.

另外,日本将声明其领海内280个偏远岛屿的所有权,并将这些岛屿国有化,此举可能会激怒中国。Separately, Japan is set to clarify the ownership of 280 remote islands within its territorial waters and register them as national assets, a move that could rile China.

正如黑华德所指出的,种族歧视甚至会在种族态度已经转移之后还坚持着,除非社会改变种族不公平赖以生存的真实空间。As Clarissa Rile Hayward has shown, racism persists even after racial attitudes have shifted, unless societies change the physical spaces that keep racial injustice alive.

冥王本月仍在向土星瞪眼睛,冥王是司债务的大神——最好不要再欠下不必要的债务来惹他了。Pluto is still glaring at Saturn this month, and Pluto is the Grand Planetary Poohbah of debt–so it's not wise to rile him up by taking on any more than is absolutely necessary.