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我知道她肯定没有大人的看管。I stipulate to her lack of adult supervision.

你能保证他们会执行该条约吗?Can you stipulate they would carry out the treaty?

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名词翻译,四不译原则,CACI规定。Translation of nouns, principle of translation, stipulate of CACI.

每次考试都不规定具体的复习资料。Each time the test does not stipulate the concrete review material.

单叶互生,具短或长的叶柄,不具托叶。Leaves alternate, simple, shortly or long petiolate, not stipulate.

香港上市规则规定,每宗IPO必须有散户认购的部分。Hong Kong listing rules stipulate that every IPO has a retail tranche.

公司明文规定员工一天上班八小时。This company stipulate that all of its employees work eight-hour days.

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同一用人单位与同一劳动者只能约定一次试用期。An employer can only stipulate one probation period with a same worker.

很想规定工作人员都要跟我们穿一样少。Very wants to stipulate that the staff want to put on few equally with us.

这就是为什么汽车制造商规定定期发动机换油。That is why the vehicle manufacturers stipulate regular engine oil changes.

在公司章程中规定公司社会责任条款。Stipulate company's community responsibility clause in the corporation by-law.

刑事诉讼法规定对现行犯可以适用先行拘留。Criminal laws stipulate that detention de bene esse can apply to active criminal.

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NMC没做的是对照顾老人规定出任何的强制性要求。What the NMC does not do is stipulate any mandatory requirements for elderly care.

该协议将规定在任何时间段取消婚约应支付的赔偿。The contract would stipulate reimbursements at any point the engagement is called off.

同时,双方也可以在合同或封袋上对质量进行书面描述。Moreover, both parties can stipulate the quality in the contract or on the sealing bag.

当我想到这案例的时候,我说,是的,就算700年后我还是我。When I think about that case,I say,True, we'll just stipulate that will be me in 700 years.

他说,如果不废除,就应规定把自卫队当作一种军事能力而保有。If not, he said, it should stipulate having the self-defense forces as a military capability.

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有的学校会提供推荐书目并规定作业本规格。Some schools will provide the recommended book list and stipulate the busy book specification.

请购单应订明,供应商必须执行经认可的,已经文件化的质量计划。The PR shall stipulate that the vendor will implement an approved, documented Quality Program.

对此,专家表示,目前尚没有明确法律条文规定如何处理这些无人认领的遗体。Experts have said no laws or regulations specifically stipulate how to handle unclaimed bodies.