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在切换门襟拉链前面。Toggle placket over zip front.

Tiffany黑玛瑙佛珠水泡项链。Toggle necklace. Black onyx beads.

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切换不可打印字符的显示。Toggle the display of non-printing characters.

您可以切换全屏和窗口。You can toggle between fullscreen and windowed.

充气时迅速向下拉红色的绳套。To inflate put the red toggle sharply downwards.

切换本地文件名的通配符扩展。Toggle metacharacter expansion of local file names.

安装一个或一组肘节。Clark there is a toggle switch underneath your seat.

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增加一个选项是否显示可祛除魔法和诅咒等。Added the option to toggle self castable and curable spells.

它在工具条中添加了一个相应的触发按钮。It also adds a corresponding toggle button into the toolbar.

目前,用户接口界面只在进行游戏动画的时候关闭。Currently, the UI will only toggle off during game cinematics.

平行四边形,先导系统,肘节式操纵。Parekkekogram type, pilot valve control system, toggle control.

增强的机铰轴承,机铰套维护低。Reinforced toggle bearings with low-maintenance toggle sleeves.

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F9菜单同样提供一个捷径去固定满屏模式。The F9 Menu also provides a shortcut to toggle full-screen mode.

用束带&切换合身舒适和方便,让装修。Fitted with a drawstring & toggle to allow snug and easy fitting.

在同时提供两个版本时,在其间进行切换。While two versions are available, toggle between the two versions.

可以使用第一个参数打开或关闭最佳映射。You use the first parameter to toggle best-fit mapping on and off.

英文字母输入模式。滑鼠点选可切换全型/半型模式。The input mode of the letters. Click to toggle between half and full.

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可以在层次化表示和平面表示风格之间切换。You can toggle between the hierarchical and flat presentation styles.

Google可以在系统设置中预设开关来控制是否允许超频。Google could just burry a toggle in the system settings that allows access.

这是用于切换屏幕上键盘的键盘快捷键名称。This is the name of the keyboard shortcut to toggle the on-screen keyboard.