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南韩3比零战胜北朝鲜。South Korea beat the DPRK 3-nil.

美国不会承认朝鲜是拥有核武器国家。US not to accept nuclear-armed DPRK.

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朝鲜再试5个短程导弹。DPRK test-fires 5 short-range missiles.

朝鲜希望与韩国国会议员举行会谈。DPRK wants lawmaker talks with S. Korea.

印度扣押进入其南海岸的朝鲜船只。India detains DPRK ship off southern coast.

南韩和北朝鲜同意举行军事对话。S. Korea, DPRK agrees to hold military talks.

美国和朝鲜就重启六方会谈沟通。U. S. , DPRK ends dialogue on six-party talks.

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朝鲜重申要与韩国举行对话。DPRK reiterates call for dialogue with S. Korea.

朝鲜将冻结韩国当局在金刚山地区资产。DPRK to freeze S. Korea's assets in Mt. Kumgang.

你是否担心此举会激怒朝鲜?Does China worry that it will irritate the DPRK?

中方是否就博斯沃斯访朝与朝方进行了接触?Has China contacted the DPRK on Bosworth's visit?

但是,这是日本和朝鲜之间的问题。However, this is an issue between Japan and the DPRK.

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关于朝韩加强合作,我们始终持积极支持态度。We always endorse cooperation between the DPRK and the ROK.

朝美双方也表现出和谈的意愿。The DPRK and US also showed willingness to hold peace talks.

朝鲜男篮上次出现在国际舞台上还是2002年。Since 2002, the DPRK team has been kept out of international games.

关键的部分是朝鲜民主主义人民共和国所公布的金属钸的数量。The key ones will be the amount of plutonium that the DPRK declares.

关于朝鲜发射卫星事,中方打算在会上谈些什么?What will China say at the meetings about the DPRK satellite launch?

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驻朝鲜大使刘洪才参加了主要活动。Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Liu Hongcai attended the main activities.

金桂冠说双方就美国把朝鲜从恐怖主义国家的名单上除名的问题进行了磋商。Kim said the two sides discussed the issue of removing the DPRK from a U.

朝鲜副外相金永日的访华活动正在进行中,将持续到本周末。DPRK Vice Foreign Minister Kim Yong-il is visiting China till this weekend.