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可是,这个造血机制又在哪里呢?But, where is this hematopoiesis mechanism again?

PBSCT能迅速重建和恢复造血功能。Allo PBSCT can rapidly reconstitute hematopoiesis.

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什么是脐带血造血干细胞?What is dry cell of umbilical blood hematopoiesis?

造血作用就是生成新的血细胞的过程Hematopoiesis is the process of generating new blood cells.

BMP在造血作用中是不可缺少的因子。In addition, BMP is an indispensable factor in hematopoiesis.

患者体内并不缺少任何造血物质。Any hematopoiesis substance are not lacked inside patient system.

身体生产血液的过程叫做造血作用.The process by which the body produces blood is called hematopoiesis.

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但输血本身对骨髓的造血功能有抑制作用。But blood transfusion itself has inhibition to medullary hematopoiesis function.

同时,它也能直接刺激骨髓造血机能。In the meantime, it also can stimulate medullary hematopoiesis function directly.

我们来说一下造血的过程,来把表达差异解释得更清楚一些Let me make this a little bit more explicit by talking about the process of hematopoiesis.

再障也可能是细胞或体液免疫对造血细胞抑制的结果。Again barrier also may be cell or humoral immunity to result of hematopoiesis cell low-key.

典型的白血病有很多不正常的细胞充满骨髓,取代正常的造血功能。Leukemias typically fill up the marrow with abnormal cells, displacing normal hematopoiesis.

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PF4是造血负性调控因子,它是血细胞生成的抑制剂,特别是对巨核细胞的生成。PF4 can inhibit newborn blood vessel production and is a negative regulator of hematopoiesis.

肾脏移植如获成功,造血功能可获明显进步。If nephritic transplanting wins a success, hematopoiesis function can obtain apparent progress.

目的观察强化锌奶粉和不同含锌量的饲料对小鼠造血系统的影响。Objective To observe the effect of Zn-intensified milk powder and zinc on hematopoiesis in mice.

因为茶叶中含有较多的脂多糖,可以改善机体造血功能。Because more fat polysaccharide is contained in tea, can improve airframe hematopoiesis function.

其取得临床疗效的机制可能与调控造血细胞因子分泌水平有关。Maybe the mechanism of curative effect was concerned with the regulation of hematopoiesis cytokine.

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肝注射液中所含的造血物质也是维生素b12或b12加叶酸。The hematopoiesis material that liver contains in inject fluid also is vitamin B12Or B12Add folic acid.

结论复康片可预防或拮抗卡马西平对大鼠骨髓造血功能的抑制。Conclusion FT can prevent or antagonize the inhibition of hematopoiesis of rat bone marrow induced by CBZ.

再生障碍性贫血也可能由于骨髓造血微环境缺陷造成。Aplastic anemia is caused possibly also as a result of blemish of medullary hematopoiesis small environment.