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把我拉上去!Pull me up!

去把垃圾拖出去。Pull it out.

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划啊,孩子们!划向岸。Pull for shore.

抽回那些广告。Pull those ads.

拉我上去!Thog! Pull me up!

拔掉塞子,把水放掉。Pull the plug out.

因为我能拉牦。Because I can pull.

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我不能把它拔起来。I can't pull it up.

拉起你的衬衫。Pull up your shirt.

把你的裙子撩起来。Pull up your skirt.

多走拉好多冤枉路。Go pull many wrongs.

你拉着弹簧的一端So you pull one end.

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一个牵了情丝。A pull the Qingsi of.

拉下来壶嘴倒。Pull pour spout down.

我揪他的耳朵。I pull him by the ear.

这是一个拉动式系统吗?Is this a pull system?

是时候撤出来了。It's time to pull out.

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把线拉紧。Pull the thread tight.

这些根好拔。The roots pull easily.

这就是一个拉动系统。This is a pull system.