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因为没人告诉过我要问。coz no one ever told me to ask.

由于你已远远的飞走。Coz Uve flown away, so far away.

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狱官把芭芭拉放出去泡茶。Barbara out coz she makes their tea.

我相信,在我的学业成绩二氧化碳。I'm an achiever coz I believe in me.

因为采访中我容易紧张。Coz I get very nervous in interviews.

因为当你还小的时候,你的生活都在上面。Coz when you are little your life is up.

你不会去,因为你不会受骗上当。You wouldn't go coz you know it's a trap.

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透过你对眼,你会睇到,我永远系你身边。Coz I'll stand beside you through the years.

不好意思我刚睡醒,所以回复你晚了。I'm sorry dat i reply u late coz i juz wk up.

不论如何,多年后,我也为自己添购了一个掌上电脑,就因为我想要。Anyway, i have gotten myself a PDA coz i want it.

因为这是巫术,是蛊,是毒,中了你的魔咒。Coz it's voodoo, voodoo, voodoo, under your spell.

你一定要为我高兴,因为我能睡在自己的房间了。U must b hepi 4 me coz i can sleep at my own room.

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快点问我问题,因为我脸都红了。Now, you have to ask me quickly, coz my face blushed.

因为就跟你要去厕所一样。Coz it's just like when you have to go to the bathroom.

我们看不见它们是因为它们不反光。We can not see them, coz they are not light-reflecting.

因为总有著一条康庄大道通往你所看到的地方。Coz there is always a straight way to the point you see.

你永远都不知道我的爱,因为我也许根本就不在你的心里。Ull never know my love, coz i may not be in ur heart at all.

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我更喜欢玛格利特,因为她是甜的因为她也有一丝的咸味。I prefer Margarita , coz she is sweet and a little bit salty.

留你喜爱的长发,也能剃光头如果你让我这么做。Keep hair long coz you like it, shave bold if you want me to.

那只是偶们的装饰品,偶们从来不会被钱奴役。Those are only our decoration, coz we never follow the money.