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李婉芝的手臂被压在碎石底下后来腐烂了。Li's arm became gangrenous after being crushed in the rubble.

这个小男孩的左胳膊已经被扯掉了,而且已经严重的感染并已经腐烂。The boy's left arm had been ripped off and was badly infected and gangrenous.

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到下肢缺血晚期,肢端发生溃疡和坏疽。Be short of blood to lower limbs terminal, limb end happens ulcer and gangrenous.

截去坏死的臂膀是痛苦的,但有时这是恢复健康的先决条件。It's horrible to lose a gangrenous arm, but that is sometimes the precondition for recovery.

剖腹手术后的正确诊断是胆囊扭转并有坏疽性的变化。Gallbladder volvulus with a gangrenous change was the definite diagnosis following a celiotomy.

这是一个釜底抽薪的方法,类似于为了挽救病人生命而截除坏疽的肢体。I felt this was a drastic measure, akin to amputating a gangrenous limb to save a patient’s life.

当肢体严重溃烂、坏疽保留无望时采用。D. When the surgical treatment of serious physical festering, gangrenous reservations hopeless used.

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溃疡坏疽继发感染时不宜使用,以免引起炎症扩散。Gangrenous ulcer infection secondary to the use of inappropriate, in order to avoid the proliferation of inflammation.

费迪本身也是慈济帮助的对象,去年八月受到慈济协助,切除不断流脓大肿瘤的右脚。Freddie himself was a recipient of Tzu Chi's ministrations . Last August, with Tzu Chi's help, Freddie's gangrenous leg was amputated.

剖腹手术后的正确诊断是胆囊扭转并有坏疽性的变化。Gallbladder volvulus with a gangrenous change was the definite diagnosis following a celiotomy. Cholecystectomy was performed smoothly.

观察120例糖尿病足坏疽患者加用山莨菪碱治疗前后的甲襞微循环变化。Changes of microcirculation in 120 diabetic patients with gangrenous extremities are observed before and after treatment with anisodamine.

贝根15岁嫁给一位铣床工人时,是个美丽的新娘,然而不久之后,她的皮肤开始出现大块斑点,最后变成令人反感的坏疽。Married at age 15 to a millworker, she had made a pretty bride. Soon, however, her skin began to turn blotchy, then ultimately gangrenous and repulsive.

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它包含了对发烧以及手臂、背部和胸部红斑,进而发展为精神错乱、肌肉生蛆、肌肉腐烂、发臭的描述。These accounts include descriptions of fever and red spots over arms, back and chest, progressing to delirium, gangrenous sores, and the stink of rotting flesh.

另外老年糖尿病较常见的并发症有泌尿系感染、坏疽、慢性痛性末梢神经炎致糖尿病性肌萎缩。AdditionalSenileDiabeticCommonner complication has secrete make water department infection, gangrenous , chronic neuritis of painful sex end is sentDiabeticSexual amyotrophy.

患者因病情恶化接受右侧结肠切除术,术中发现由升结肠至近端横结肠处呈现严重发炎及坏死。Urgent right hemicolectomy was performed as patient's condition deteriorated rapidly. Severe colitis with gangrenous change of ascending colon was evident during the operation.

医疗人员可以提供药膏来舒缓伤口疼痛并避免感染,患者的坏疽肢体也可以切除,但慢性的砷中毒还没有真正的解药。Health workers can offer ointments to relieve the pain of lesions and to prevent infection, and gangrenous limbs can be amputated, but chronic arsenic poisoning has no real remedy.

我对传统腐朽的教育制度感到特别的愤慨,这种教育陋习导致了在中国产生了无数的聋哑英语学习者,我想我和大家一定会英雄所见略同的…I was filled with indignation about the putrefactive and gangrenous traditional educational teaching system that caused a regiment of deaf and mute English learners throughout all over china.