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瓦撒上的枪炮提供了铁。Vasa 's guns supplied the iron.

直血管降支呈束状进入髓质。The descending vasa recta run in bundles into the medulla.

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就是著名的,它是瑞典的一艘帆船,建于1628年。Vasa This is the famous Vasa, a sailing ship from Sweden built in 1628.

他正在召集工人,建造一艘新船只。They were going on this new ship the Vasa Vasa that he was having built.

1628年瑞典战船瓦撒,首航便沉没于仅距港口4265英尺的地方。In 1628, the Swedish warship Vasa sank just 4265 feet from port on her maiden voyage.

瓦萨返回瑞典后带领人民独立,并因此被拥戴为古斯塔夫瓦萨国王。He returned to lead the Swedes to independence, and was later proclaimed King Gustav Vasa.

在斯堪森博物馆附近,因化学作用而已经石化的巨大战舰——“瓦萨”号被收藏在一座配有先进技术的博物馆中。Near Skansen, the mighty warship Vasa is chemically petrified and housed in a state-of-the-art museum.

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这些微泡可自由通过毛细血管并辅助显示斑块及滋养血管。These bubbles pass easily through capillaries and assist in outlin¬ing of plaque and the vasa vasorum.

1961年,借助钢缆和巨大的打捞充气浮筒,瓦萨号才得以重见天日。In 1961, with the help pf steel cables and huge inflatable pontoons, the Vasa rose again from the deep.

方法对5例脐带帆状附着前置血管进行回顾性分析。Methods 5 cases of vasa previa in velamentous insertion of umbilical cord were analyzed retrospectively.

1961年被打捞上来时,瓦撒的状态良好。人们小心翼翼的将它存放并展览在它自己的博物馆里。Raised in 1961, Vasa was in good condition, and was meticulously restored and displayed in her own museum.

结论胫骨前肌肌筋膜瓣解剖血管恒定,血运丰富。Conclusions The tibialis anterior muscle and deep fascia flaps possess regular vasa vasorum and abundant vascularity.

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尤其是帆状胎盘血管前置血管破裂,临床表现与前置胎盘相似,但常因胎儿失血而导致较高的围生儿死亡率。The symptoms of rupture of vasa previa placenta previa are similar. However neonatal mortality of vasa previa is very high.

新的瑞典瓦萨王朝在东波罗的海地区采取更加积极的政策,导致同露西亚冲突。Sweden?s new Vasa dynasty pursued ever more aggressive policy in the East Baltic area, which was to result in its conflict with Russia.

目的探讨脑血管病患者尿潴留的针灸治疗及心理护理效果。Objective To study acupuncture therapeutics and psychological nursing of patients with cerebral vasa disease combined retention of urine.

方法采用腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣,修复14例合并有皮肤软组织缺损的足踝部损伤。Methods Using the skin flap with sural nerve vasa vasorum, 14 cases associated with cutaneous injury and soft tissues defect of ankle were repaired.

部分移植的内皮祖细胞特定定位接近于血管营养神经,而少部分内皮祖细胞与内皮细胞一起存在。A portion of engrafted EPCs were uniquely localized in close proximity to vasa nervorum, and a smaller portion of these EPCs were colocalized with endothelial cells.

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当增强CT显示血管扩张、迂曲而血管增多的肠系膜和广泛分布的直小血管,产生梳征。When contrast-enhanced CT depicts hypervascularity of the mesentery with vascular dilatation, tortuosity, and wide spacing of the vasa recta , the comb sign is produced.

背景试验及人类病理学研究已经证实血管外膜滋养血管与冠状动脉粥样硬化有关。BackgroundPathologic studies in animals and human have clearly demonstrated that proliferation of adventitial vasa vasorum was associated with progression of coronary atherosclerosis.

禁忌症包括前置胎盘或前置血管,脐带脱垂,既往古典式子宫切口,骨盆结构异常,和浸润性宫颈癌。B. Contraindications to augmentation include placenta or vasa previa, umbilical cord prolapse, prior classical uterine incision, pelvic structural deformities, and invasive cervical cancer.