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问候你老豆!Greet you father!

我冲过去欢迎他。I rush to greet him.

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和你的同伴互致问候。Then greet your partner.

请你替我按着姓名问众位朋友安。Greet the friends by name.

我低下头向它打招呼。I looked down to greet it.

众弟兄都问你们安。All the brethren greet you.

笑脸迎人,靠近接待每位宾客。Smile and greet every guest.

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他们乐呵呵地跟你打招呼。They'd greet you with a grin.

你都这样招呼客人的吗?This is how you greet guests?

你都这样招呼客人吗?。This is how you greet guests ?

请代问那些因有信心爱我们的人安。Greet our friends in the faith.

那么你能用中文和我们打招呼吗?。MC-Can you greet us in Chinese then?

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将新娘自闺房中迎出。To greet the bride from her bedroom.

全村人都出来欢迎他。All the village are out to greet him.

世界各地欢庆2008的到来!Around the world . reveler greet 2008.

欢迎我,使我感到心情舒畅。Greet me and make me feel comfortable.

东西?你都这样招呼客人吗?。This is how you greet guests at party?

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不要向服丧期的人们问候拜年。Don't greet people who are in mourning.

亡人怎不想见生长的乡邑?And long his people once again to greet?

你都这样招呼客人吗?This is how you greet guests at a party?