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我的家人可真能夸张。My family can be very melodramatic.

年轻人谈恋爱都很爱演。Young love. Always so melodramatic.

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而她的表演中却丝毫没有矫揉造作或是过于浮夸之感。Nothing is too weepy or melodramatic in her performance here.

为你制造再多的惊喜,也抵不过她的一句矫情。Make more surprise for you, also is worth but her a melodramatic.

不那么耸人听闻却更严肃的问题是必须解决保密问题。The less melodramatic but more serious problem has to do with secrecy.

她以那样的狂热爱上平凡的爱德华,如今想来如同逢场作戏一般。It'seemed now melodramatic to have loved the simple Edward with violence.

当我们说到‘至死不渝’时,我们都觉得这太震撼人心了。We thought it would be way too melodramatic to say ‘till death do us part.’

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也因此有些人抱怨说故事情节过于明显和通俗化。That said, many complained that the plot is a bit too obvious and melodramatic.

你往往被华丽和屡有发生,当谈到事项的心脏。You tend to be flamboyant and melodramatic when it comes to matters of the heart.

我想,因为结婚让我更深刻地理解感情戏的表演。I think being married enables me to think more deeply about playing melodramatic parts.

关于监狱的情景剧电影还在使用老式的那一套说教,比如“监狱能改变一个人”。Melodramatic prison movies always use corny lines like "prison has a way of changing a man."

船上的生活虽然艰苦,却没有磨灭到各人的灵魂,故事有时更出现感人的场面。It is tough but not as soul-destroying as is sometimes presented in more melodramatic stories.

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但是这通常会被一种耸人听闻的虚构出来的憎恨指向某个想象中的替罪羊,而在真实的生活中他们也许从来不会遇到这些人。But it is usually a sort of melodramatic or mythical hatred directed against imaginary scapegoats.

我不需要形而上的东西,也不需要像认证或者绝对性这样戏剧性的东西。I do not want something metaphysical, something melodramatic as the idea of a guarantee or absoluteness.

他当时也许有些,夸张了,不过在某些场合里,他说的也许就是真的。he was being maybe a little melodramatic for me at the time, but you can imagine situation in which that is true.

这部巨片以出色的摄影技巧在爪哇中部和印度拍成,不失为一个动人的爱情故事。Long, melodramatic , yet gorgeously shot in Central Java and India, Ayat Ayat Cinta is, at the end of the day, a love story.

即便是自责她戏剧性的历程,也很难指控戴安娜是利用她外露的感情让一代人倾倒。Even at her most melodramatic she can hardly be accused of bewitching a whole generation into misplacing its stiff upper lip.

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每个家族都有自己情绪化和戏剧性的风格,所以减少误解或者情感爆发的几率至关重要。Every tribe has its more emotional and melodramatic types, and so it's crucial to limit the chances of misinterpretation or outbursts.

比这好过一千倍的,是你可以在一个孤僻荒废之所死去,无需夸张作态,也无人问津。It is a thousand times preferable to die somewhere alone and abandoned so that you can die without melodramatic posturing, unseen by anyone.

看去身材轻快精练的卡拉扬有着深邃的蓝眼睛和一头夸张的背梳式的头发,一站在指挥台上便威风凛凛。A lithe, compact figure with penetrating blue eyes and a melodramatic shock of swept-back hair, Karajan was a commanding figure on the podium.