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结论艾灸具有调衡作用。Conclusion Moxa-cone moxibustion possesses homeostatic effect.

这是为自己建了个膝头的自我平衡反馈闭环。This is the homeostatic feedback loop making a lap for itself.

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哭对于整个生物体的体内平衡起作用。Crying serves a homeostatic function for the organism as a whole.

医生罗森布鲁斯预测了人体及细胞内的自我平衡线路。Rosenblueth, the doctor, saw homeostatic circuits in the body and in cells.

炎症是身体对于创伤或感染的一个正常的保持机体稳定的反应。Inflammation is a normal homeostatic response of the body to wounds or infections.

包括合作的组织和器官成分也包括自我平衡的微生物体。Includes cooperative components of tissue or organs as well as homeostatic microorganisms.

这样会抑制正常的新陈代谢,破坏身体的自我平衡状态。Normal metabolic processes are suppressed and the body’s homeostatic balance is thrown off.

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最佳的方法是在人体中精确地投入的一个自动调节自我平衡的系统。The best method would be a self-regulating homeostatic system which you could put precisely in a human body.

用上这种恒定模型,情绪就成了某种回馈机制,告知大脑身体正处于失衡状态。In this homeostatic model, emotions act as a feedback mechanism to alert the brain when the body is out of balance.

低氧和高碳酸血证时增加通气量是临床上有用的信号也是内环境稳态的反应。An increase in ventilation during hypoxia and hypercapnia is a useful clinical sign and also a homeostatic response.

细胞自噬是一种通过降解蛋白质和细胞器维持细胞内平衡的细胞机制。Autophagy regulates the intracellular homeostatic mechanism that mediates the degradation of proteins and organelles.

某些近交系小鼠感染后肠道内稳态平衡的改变,导致急性回肠炎。Alteration of the homeostatic balance of infected intestine results in acute ileitis in certain strains of inbred mice.

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因为在这个体内平衡的真实界,性只是以部份驱力的形式运作。It is because of the reality of the homeostatic system that sexuality comes into play only in the form of partial drives.

其主题是正常和疾病状况下从简单模型系统直到临床的稳态代谢机制。The unifying theme is homeostatic mechanisms in health and disease, from simpler model systems all the way to the clinic.

必需金属在鱼体内所累积之浓度,通常比非必需金属之浓度,来得较高且稳定。The accumulation levels of the essential metals are generally higher and more homeostatic than the non-essential metals in fish.

因此,机体一定是做了某些改变使其克服了对睡眠的平衡需求,并保持清醒以逃避危险。Therefore, the body undergoes some change that allows it to counter its homeostatic need for sleep and to stay awake to avoid danger.

但有时候一个情绪或精神问题是如此的严重以至于破坏了激素系统维持的平衡。But sometimes an emotional or psychiatric problem can be so severe as to override the ability of that homeostatic system to compensate.

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当身体处于恒定的平衡状态,包括体温、血中葡萄糖浓度在内的各种测量值,都会尽可能接近「理想」。WHEN A BODY is in homeostatic balance, various measures—such as temperature, glucose level and so on—are as close to "ideal" as possible.

运动“能使饮食与消耗之间重新建立一个稳定的平衡状态,以确保体重维持在较低的水平上,”论文的作者这样总结道。Exercise “re-established the homeostatic steady state between intake and expenditure to defend a lower body weight, ” the study authors concluded.

请注意,它的位置就在「原先的自我」的圈子里。它跟原先的自我紧密相随,体内平衡的功能却无法重新将它吸收进来。It is situated—note well—within the circle of the original ego, it bites into it, without the homeostatic functioning ever managing to reabsorb it.