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我们应该站在无产阶级立场上。Our stand should be one of the proletariat.

强调坚持无产阶级立场。Emphasized persevering in the way of proletariat.

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他们到底是无产阶级还是捂产阶级?Are they proletariat or property hiders after all?

无产阶级必须掌握马克思主义的真理。The proletariat must possess the truth of Marxism.

在这个运动中,中国无产阶级开始登上政治舞台。In this sport the Chinese proletariat began on the political stage.

群众观点是无产阶级政党的基本观点。The mass viewpoint is the basic viewpoints of the proletariat party.

革命者应该具有无产阶级的崇高品质。Revolutionaries should possess the noble qualities of the proletariat.

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他没有幻想要为人类、无产阶级、或社会主义服务。He had no illusions about serving mankind, the proletariat or socialism.

我们的军队是无产阶级专政的柱石。Our army is the mainstay of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China.

普罗旺斯的等待,见证那未完待续的爱。Proletariat prosperous Si's waiting, testimony that to be continued love.

因为,无产阶级要打倒资产阶级已经不可能,为什么?Because, the proletariat to cast down the bourgeoisie has not possible, why?

无产阶级人权观比资产阶级人权观更进步。The proletariat view of human rights is more advanced than the bourgeois one.

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普罗阶级就像是罗马的公民,这些是非常杰出的人无。The proletariat are like the Roman plebs—these were very distinguished people.

资本主义社会的理想与无产阶级的需要有关联吗?Are the ideals of a capitalist society related to the needs of the proletariat?

如果每个人都像无产阶级那样支付自己的那一等分的话会很好的。It would be nice everyone paid their fair share, plebian and proletariat alike.

党组织是由无产阶级先进分子组成的。The Party organization is composed of the advanced elements of the proletariat.

立场问题。我们是站在无产阶级的和人民大众的立场。The problem of class stand. Our stand is that of the proletariat and of the masses.

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这些建议体现了一位杰出的无产阶级革命家超凡智慧和远见卓识。These suggestions show the great wisdom and foresight of a proletariat revolutionist.

而对无产阶级的教化也成为资产阶级自保性方案的一部分。Civilizing the proletariat became part of the self-protective program of the bourgeoisie.

李达是近现代中国杰出的马克思主义哲学家和无产阶级教育家。Li Da is the modern Chinese outstanding Marxism philosopher and the proletariat educator.