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我在一个音乐堂里。I am in a concert hall.

希望你会喜欢这场音乐会。I hope you enjoy the concert.

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我应邀参加了音乐会。I was invited to the concert.

他嘲讽音乐会的女高音。He satirized concert sopranos.

这个音乐会一年才一次。The concert is on once a year.

他的演唱将在七月份开始。His concert will being in July.

他拒绝与他们协同工作。He refused to concert with them.

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你妈妈去过披头士的演唱会。My mom went to a Beatles concert.

这个新编的剧目很好,人人都很欣赏它。We enjoyed the concert very much.

我真的喜欢恩雅的演唱会。I really enjoyed the Enya concert.

哈萨克族婚礼简直就是一场歌会。Kazak weddings are like a concert.

音乐会是12日下午8点开始。The concert is on the 12th at 8pm.

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举国一致行动。The whole nation acted in concert.

北京电台有一场音乐会。Theres a concert at Radio Beijing.

欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。Welcome to the New Year's Concert.

他们的欢呼好像流行音乐会。They cheer like it's a pop concert.

我们还会去参加音乐会We're all going to go to a concert.

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他们的下一场音乐会我们也一定会去.We`ve got to go their next concert.

去过一场中文流行歌演唱会。You've been to a Mando-pop concert.

他由朋友陪同去听音乐会。He come to the concert with friends.