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有三个愉快的威尔斯人。There were three jovial Welshmen.

时间在鼓声和愉快的圣歌声中流逝。Amidst the drumbeats and jovial chants, time passed.

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他是个身材高大、性格爽快的人,很快就直切主题。He is a tall, jovial man who quickly gets to the point.

周四晚上的这场对话显得既轻松且诙谐。The conversation on Thursday evening was light and jovial.

日间护士,一个心宽体胖的女人,非常的友善。The morning nurse, a big, jovial woman, was very pleasant, though.

我工作的那家餐厅的经理是个又可爱又快活的人。Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a much beloved, jovial man.

由这些公式文章说明了SL9彗星的撞击,对木星的自转速率是没有影响的。Jovial rotation shall not be disturbed on the formula while impacted by comet SL9.

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维罗妮卡将这只快乐的海豹命名为为“LOL“,它也非常乐意为摄像机露出笑容。Thee jovial beast, which Veronica nicknamed 'LOL' was more than happy to play up for the camera.

猫经常会以闭眼睛的方式来表达它们的满足感和愉快的心情。Cats press their eyes shut. When cats are satisfied or in a jovial mood they simply close their eyes.

他心满意足地呷着茶,陈,一个圆,平易近人的人运动条纹衬衫,红色括号,表示同意。Sipping his tea contentedly, Chen, a rotund, jovial man sporting a striped shirt with red braces, agreed.

他们的音乐有一个共同点,就是都混合着从欢愉到忧郁的各种情感因素。The music remains a common blend of varied emotional attitudes ranging from the jovial to the melancholic.

在新闻会结束时,快活的布什去和布朗握手,他说“干得好。”At the end of the press conference, a jovial Bush, reached over to shake Brown's hand. "Good job," said Bush.

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不管境况如何,如果有快乐性格的人相随,我们就一定会感到幸福。No matter how our day goes, when we’re in the company of a jovial character, it never fails to make us happy.

他们对达赖喇叭亲睐有加,而后者用僧侣披戴的袈裟和谈笑风生的常识宣讲,掩盖其邪恶的分裂主义祸心。They fawn over the Dalai Lama, who cloaks his sinister splittist ends in monks' robes and jovial common-sense.

艾轩神采奕奕,谈笑风生,这很难让人把他与那些忧郁的画作联系起来。He was buoyant in spirits and talked in a jovial mood. I could hardly associate him with his melancholy paintings.

他是个性情和善的人,就在病榻和死人面前也难改变他那逍遥自在的态度。He was a good-tempered man, who found it difficult to keep down his jovial easiness even by the bed of sickness of death.

中国游客站在中国通往朝鲜的桥上,微笑着摆出姿势拍照,很开心。Standing on a bridge that links their country to North Korea, Chinese tourists pose for photographs, laughing and jovial.

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如果你在一月底的周末有什么特殊的事情去做,你会在愉悦的心情中进入工作的一周。If you had something special to do over that end-of-January weekend, you'll be returning to the workweek in a jovial mood.

白墙灰瓦之下,简单、宁静又快活的生活是对酒店特色最好的注脚。Under the white wall and grey tiles, simple, serene and jovial life is exactly annotating the characteristics of the Hotel.

今年的情人节有活动分子在贝鲁特一家酒吧,发起抗议,反对那些违法举办婚礼庆典的夫妻,他们认为那些看似幸福的婚礼,是嘲弄的。On Valentine’s Day this year campaigners protested against the law by staging jovial mock wedding ceremonies in a Beirut bar.