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一个浮动的球状物在Mt。A floating orb in Mt.

浮子就是浮漂。Bobber is floating drift.

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天上蓝蓝飘彩霞。Choi Ha floating blue sky.

是云飘的太低?Is cloud floating too low?

我偏爱浮在水里。I prefer floating in water.

你只是漂浮在那里。You're just floating there.

这个谣言正在传播中。The rumour is floating about.

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河上漂的是什么?。What's floating on the river?

盘旋在崇山峻岭之中。floating over lush mountains.

轻飘飘溜走的旧时光。Floating away in the old days.

缸底嵌入式缓冲垫。Floating cap cushion insert I.

浮云蔽日。Floating clouds cover the sun.

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那时候还是一座浮桥。It was then a floating bridge.

他们正在水上漂着。They are floating on the water.

这里是处于漂浮状态的寿司。Here is with some floating maki.

空中飘浮着游丝。Gossamer is floating in calm air.

不,不能提供浮吊。No, floating cranes not available.

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看!河上漂的是什么?。Look! What's floating on the river?

水上漂的是什么东西?What is that floating on the water?

瓦蓝的天空中飘浮着几朵白云。Clouds are floating in the blue sky.