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想要为您的自尊心加加油了吧。So you want to supercharge your self esteem.

增压你小子的阅读,数学和学校的成功。Supercharge your kid's reading, math and school success.

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它们执行概要文件的功能,并简化了构造型的程序。They supercharge the functionality of profiles and simplify application of stereotypes.

联合声明表示,这项交易将使得谷歌增压安卓操作系统开发。The deal would allow Google to " supercharge" its Android operating system, the joint statement said.

我们当然不能忽视或退出康科德,除非我们想增压目前的混乱局面。And we certainly can't ignore or withdraw from CONCORD unless we want to supercharge the current chaos.

鉴于安卓取得的巨大成功,我们一直在寻找新的方法使安卓“生态系统”能够百尺竿头更进一步。Given Android's phenomenal success, we are always looking for new ways to supercharge the Android ecosystem.

鉴于Android的巨大成功,我们一直在寻找新的方式来强化Android生态系统。Given Android’s phenomenal success, we are always looking for new ways to supercharge the Android ecosystem.

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你听它的最新技术,可自动增压你心理与生活热情。As you listen to it the latest psychological techniques will automatically supercharge your life with enthusiasm.

本文探讨了一种基于流体的水击共振原理的燃油增压系统。In this study, based on the fluid water hammer theory, a GDI fuel supercharge system was discussed theoretically.

自然疗法专家告诉你如何抛开抗生素、利用自身的免疫系统来治疗感染。Leading naturopath shows how to supercharge your immune system and fight infect ions with out relying on antibiotics.

如果你要考虑你的电子书籍,和赚钱的他们,这些都是5种方法增压你的电子书写作。If you ever want to take your e-books, and make money off of them, these are 5 ways to supercharge your e-book writing.

充分理解你的动机来衡量你的计划,这将增加你自我改善的努力。Aligning your plan of attack with a solid understanding of your motivations will supercharge your self-improvement efforts.

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如果你想通过一些好的益智游戏来给大脑加压,这里有5个很不错的游戏帮你实现。In case you are looking to supercharge your brain with some good mental games then here are 5 great games to help you do it.

柴油机的增压与扩缸设计中,同时应当考虑增强气缸壁的抗擦伤能力。The anti-scuffing function should be enhanced simultaneously in the design of supercharge and cylinder diameter enlargement.

寻求过度回报的杠杆也降低了,一些先前以金钱交易为中心的商业活动也成了他们以前自我的一个屏障。There is less leverage to supercharge returns. Some previously money-spinning activities are shadows of their former selves.

合并后,我们将为用户提供更出色的用户体验,从而进一步强化整个安卓生态系统,这有利于用户、合作伙伴和开发人员。Together, we will create amazing user experiences that supercharge the entire Android ecosystem for the benefit of consumers, partners and developers.

合并后,我们将为用户、合作伙伴和世界各地的开发者创造更加出色的用户体验,来推动整个Android生态系统的发展。Together we will create amazing user experiences that supercharge the entire Android ecosystem for the benefit of consumers partners and developers everywhere.

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此次收购获得了双方董事会的认可,将于今年年底或明年年初完成交接。今后双方将会给谷歌的安卓操作系统提供更多支持。The acquisition, to "supercharge" the Android mobile OS, has the approval of both companies' boards and is expected to close by the end of this year or early 2012.

这周星盘会使你趋向极度的情绪化,你必须在任何一件事当中保持足够的逻辑和理性。This week's chart energy has the capacity & tendency to supercharge your emotions, but you must find a way to hold onto solid logic & reason in everything you do or say.

而下面,我搜集的这9句名言,不仅能启发你的智慧,改变你的生活,而且会激励你去实现你最狂野的梦想和愿望。In this article, I’ve gathered 9 famous quotes that will not only supercharge your day and make you wise, but also inspire you to go after your wildest dreams and aspirations.