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你在煮汤?You are cooking?

十在宿舍内有炊爨行为。Cooking in the dorm.

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让家庭成员参预烹饪。Get the family cooking.

我真怀念我妈做的菜。I miss my mom's cooking.

我的烹调技术甚差。I'm inexpert at cooking.

好的。烹任可是我的拿手好戏。OK. I'm good at cooking.

他在做什么菜?鱼!What's he cooking? Fish!

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俺只会烧菜做饭。My only skill is cooking.

他擅长烹饪鳐鱼。He is good at cooking skate.

她做菜做饭喜欢用碗盛。She likes cooking in a bowl.

“谁来做饭呢?”阿妮卡问。"Who's cooking?"asks Annika.

去掉鱼头后再烹调。Head the fish before cooking.

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你可爱我的家常菜吗?。Did you enjoy my home cooking?

你知道我非常爱吃珍做的菜。You know I love Jan's cooking.

烧饭是常有的事儿。Cooking is all in a day's work.

我正在做土豆烧肉。I'm cooking meat with potatoes.

她让我品尝她烧的饭菜。She made me sample her cooking.

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你给予您的烹饪‘新生。’You give your cooking new life.

敬辞你能做饭吗?。Could you please do the cooking?

做韩国料理我很拿手。I'm good at cooking Korean food.