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北美的一种类似夹竹桃的植物。North American plant similar to common dogbane.

罗布麻能降血脂和血压吗?Can bluish dogbane fall hematic fat and blood pressure?

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本文报道红麻全秆贮存期主要害虫生活习性与综合防治方法。This paper reported bionomics and integrated control of the main insect pests on stored blush dogbane stalks.

用罗布麻纤维加工而成的服装具有良好的保健功能。The clothes with the clothing which the bluish dogbane textile fiber process has the good health care function.

我厂是九十年代初建设的罗布麻专业生产厂家。Our factory is the bluish dogbane specialized production factory which is found at the beginning of the 90's constructs.

本发明属制备含罗布麻的食品、饮料与药品及其制备方法。The present invention discloses a series of foodstuffs, beverage and medicines containing bluish dogbane and its preparing process.

罗布麻的纤维细而长,是一种比较理想的新的天然纺织原料,被誉为“野生纤维之王”。The fiber of bluish dogbane is thin and long, it is a kind of better new natural spin raw material, be known as " the king of feral fiber ".

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其中苎麻、大麻和罗布麻无论在品种、质量还是数量上,在国际竞争都占有明显的优势。Among them no matter ramie, marijuana and bluish dogbane are in on breed, quality or amount, in international competition has clear advantage.

进行了利用麻杆制浆废液和废弃麻芯代替部分脲醛胶及刨花压制刨花板的研究。A research is made by using bluish dogbane pulping waste liquid and bluish dogbane pith partly institude UF resin and shaving mold pressing shaving board.

而现在市场上新推出一种叫做罗布麻的床被,取材于新疆塔里木的功能性纺织纤维。And now in the market new the bed that rolls out a kind to be called bluish dogbane by, draw materials the fiber of functional sex spin at the wood in Xinjiang tower.

因此,红麻壁纸原料分别通过了世界公认的德国安全品质的检测标准,和日本壁纸制品规格协会的检测。Therefore, bluish dogbane wallpaper materials were recognized by the German security of the world quality standards, and Japan wallpaper products specifications Association tests.