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白岩松演讲地点在卢斯礼堂。Bai made his speech at Luce Hall.

露西对她能否通过考试感到悲观。Luce is pessimistic about passing the examination.

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卢斯尝试利用他的杂志把美国人转变成他理想中的样子。Luce tried to use his magazines to convert Americans to his ideas.

勇气是一架梯子,其他美德全靠它爬上去。---卢斯。Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount . ---- Luce.

其他模式,采用了转子发动机包括RX系列的R100和卢斯。Other models that have used the rotary engine include the RX series, the R100, and the Luce.

鸢尾花渐次爬上所有的山坡,眺望黑色的诗篇降临。Flower-de- luce climbed all the braes one by one to overlook the visit of darkness like Psalters.

在斯隆那边确实是这样的,但是卢斯这里的音响效果很好,所以在后面也能睡好Now, that was true in Sloane but I think Luce has got very good acoustics so you can stretch out in the back.

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这颗落羽松生长于崇基学院牟路思怡图书馆旁停车场。This deciduous cypress could be seen at the parking lot outside Elizabeth Luce Moore Library of Chung Chi College.

卢斯没做错的,是他在1941年2月发表的著名文章中说,20世纪将是“美国的世纪”。Where Luce was not wrong was in his famous essay, published in February 1941, that this would be “an American Century”.

他于1898年出生在中国的长老教会家庭,父亲是亨利‧温特斯‧鲁斯,母亲是伊莉莎白‧路特。Borne in China in 1898, the son of Elizabeth Root and Henry Winters Luce , who was a Presbyterian missionary. In 1941, Henry R.

她们间的周旋并不仅像“坏女孩”描述的那样,而是像弗里丹时代的克莱尔布思卢斯和罗纳谢斐。They are so postfemininist that they circle back not just to Mean Girls, but to the pre-Friedan era of Clare Boothe Luce and Rona Jaffe.

徐明华教授之部份著作于二○○八年一月十二日至二月十二日在崇基学院牟路思怡图书馆展出。Selected publications of Professor Benjamin M. W. Tsui will be displayed at Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library from January 12 to.

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翟建富耀教授之部份著作于二○一○年一月二十日至二月十九日在崇基学院牟路思怡图书馆展出。Selected publications of Professor Kin-fu Chak will be displayed at Chung Chi College Elisabeth Luce Moore Library from January 20 to February 19, 2010.

在这爱意弥漫的瓦伦汀,“针”带着“情人节奏”来到浪漫隐秘的潞溪,共享亲密舞蹈的一夜。On this special occasion for the loved ones, Acupuncture brings Valentine's Groove to the romantic hidden gem Luce for an intimate night of drinking and dancing.

多年来在明浩心里VIVIAN的位置是无人能取代的,而现在明浩的女友LUCE一直深爱着明浩。Nobody can replace the position that comes in the VIVIAN in bright grand heart for years, and cummer LUCE of Ming Hao is loving Ming Hao greatly all the time now.

神秘而超然,他捕捉的时候,她看到她的第一天,在剑与十字寄宿在闷热的萨凡纳,佐治亚州的学校他卢斯价格的关注。Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price's attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah, Georgia.