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唯一在客场赢球的是桑普多利亚。First away win for Samp at Reggio.

桑普放慢了节奏,场面开始被动。Samp decreased the rhythm and started to lose ground.

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桑普在主场被卡利亚里1-1逼平,在主场迎战卡利亚里。Samp were held to a 1-1 draw at home against Cagliari.

速度上,比起桑普和锡耶纳的比赛已经有了进步。I terms of speed, the team was better than against Samp and Siena.

第一次是对桑普多利亚,尽管结果并不好。The first came against Samp even though it wasn't a positive result.

我们正在追逐我们的梦想,同样也是我的梦想,这让我感觉桑普就像是尤文。We are chasing our dream, my dream, and that makes Samp equal to Juve.

排在第四位置上的紫百合将造访榜首的国米,而桑普多利亚将挑战雷吉纳。The Viola in fourth place pay visit to leaders Inter, while Samp go to struggling Reggina.

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在桑普前锋帕齐尼进球之后,尤文没有找到必败桑普的办法。The Bianconeri couldn't find a way to beat Samp after Giampaolo Pazzini gave his side the lead.

小飞机在1996——1999赛季为桑普多利亚效力,共打进54个联赛进球。L'Aeroplanino played for Samp between 1996 and 1999, scoring 54 league goals over three seasons.

桑普今晚的防守很正常,但是我们坚持给他们更对的节奏上的压力。It was normal Samp would play defensive tonight, but we insisted and played with a lot of pressure and rhythm.

结果表明,对内燃机薄壳结构进行声学优化,可以大大减小噪声辐射。The result shows that acoustic optimization of thin shells of Engine samp may reduce perfectly the radiated noise.

与此同时,据报道称,桑普还对尤文图斯前锋帕拉迪诺和都灵的意大利国脚后卫莫塔表示兴趣。Meanwhile, Samp are reportedly tracking Juventus striker Raffaele Palladino and Torino's Azzurrini defender Marco Motta.

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将马里伦戈交易到亚特兰大后,桑普准备用波齐与帕尔马进行互租。Samp have already handed Guido Marilungo to Atalanta and look set to release Pozzi towards Parma in an exchange of loans.

这名25岁的球员本赛季表现出色并且帮助桑普获得联赛第六名的佳绩。The promising 25-year-old enjoyed a breakthrough season at Marassi last term and was a regular starter for sixth-placed Samp.

桑普将在下赛季参加联盟杯的比赛,而主教练沃尔特。马扎里相信阿尔梅隆是完成球队中场建设的最后一个齿轮。Samp coach Walter Mazzarri believes that Almiron is the final jigsaw to complete his midfield as they enter the UEFA Cup next season.

这名象牙海岸球星的合同在今夏六月份到期,在此之前他的经纪人已经与桑普讨论了以博斯曼球员的身份加盟。The Ivory Coast international is off contract in June and his management are in advanced talks with Samp about a Bosman move to Genoa.

据说桑普主席里卡尔多。加罗内最近同尤文老板约翰。埃尔坎进行了会谈,讨论的话题就是卡萨诺的未来归属。Samp President Riccardo Garrone is known to have met Juve patron John Elkann recently and they are said to have discussed the Cassano situation.

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桑普继续利用空隙反击,托内托左脚大力射门,弗拉基在斯塔姆的强压下无计可施。Samp continued to play on the break and Max Tonetto sent in a left-foot drive while Francesco Flachi was crowded-out by the impressive Jaap Stam.

副队长传找阿德,巴西人短传给维埃里,后者试图回做给阿德但太大了,桑普赢得控球权。Cordoba's long ball forward finds Adriano. The Brazilian plays short to Vieri, who tries the return ball but it's too long and Samp win possession.

除了正在进行的卡萨诺的谈判的外,我们还开始与皇马讨论关于德伦特和小兔子萨维奥拉的引进事宜。Tuttosport says Samp are in advanced talks with Real over a fee for Cassano and during discussions have also been offered the chance to sign Royston Drenthe and Javier Saviola.